Secrets in the Walls

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Wilbur's POV

I sighed, shoving my covers aside. I went through all the motions; I put on my clothes, brushed my hair and teeth, and then headed for the throne room. Same thing, over and over again. A repeat everyday of the same boring thing.

Tommy and Tubbo made it a little bit more bearable. As much as I seemed to hate their asses, they really made it more fun here. It was unpredictable. Who knows if Tommy was going to throw Tubbo off the bridge as an experiment or if Tubbo would try to pet a poisonous snake. Now thinking about it, Tubbo really seemed to be the one suffering in every scenario. That boy makes me proud, how he handles himself in every situation.

I walked down the hallway, the throne doors coming into view. Two guards stood in front of the door.

"Fundy, Quackity, nice to see you two." I nodded to them. They nodded back, small smiles on their faces. They weren't main guards or anything, but I still worked with them earlier on in my career.

I walked into the throne room, noticing no one else was here. I shrugged, just taking my position like normal. We didn't have Mega and Darryl anymore, so we were only expecting Tommy, Tubbo, Sapnap, and George to show up. Since Tommy and Tubbo are always here at the last minute and that Sapnap and George come in with Dream, that meant I was going to be alone for a while.

I sighed, looking up to the two thrones. Before Dream came in, Techno's throne was smack dab in the center of the platform. Now the two thrones shared the platform, the green and red colors contrasting each other.

Everything was so... simple when it was just Techno. Sure, it was deadly since he always went out on scouts, but there wasn't disagreements every single day. Dream was more a fair ruler, not wanting to hurt the citizens, while Techno thought we were better and deserved better because we lived and worked here. Not that I was bothered by either of their points of views, I just wished they could agree for once.

When the scouts were over for the day, Tommy and Tubbo went back to their room to do whatever they wanted to do. Me, on the other hand, had to train other guards and attend meetings with the kings. Sometimes other kings from other kingdoms would visit, other times it would be Techno yelling at us for something being out of place, even if I was not even in that area of work.

Maybe I complain too much, but it gets tiring.

I guess I would do that everyday much better if I didn't have that thing on my mind. What thing, you may ask. Well, some things should be kept secrets. No point in bringing up the past when the future is just right ahead of us.

"Wilbur!" I turned around, smiling at Tommy. He ran up and stopped next to me. "Look at us, two guards with lots of work ahead!" He smiled widely, showing his braces. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You are never this nice, what do you want Tommy?" Tommy opened his mouth like he was offended for a second, then let it go.

"Ok, ok, you caught me big man. You just never answered the question me and Tubbo asked you last night." I blinked, my eyes still staring into Tommy. I looked around the throne room, trying to look for a distraction.

"Where is... Tubbo?" I asked, noticing the brown-haired boy wasn't next to Tommy. Tommy rolled his eyes and looked back at the doors.

"Tubbo!" Tommy called out. Tubbo rushed in, almost stumbling over his own two feet. He almost collided with Tommy, only stopping himself by less than a centimeter. He grinned, his eyes shining in the light.

"Sorry, I was talking to Fundy! What did I miss?" Tubbo's eyes bounced between my eyes and Tommy's eyes.

"Nothing. It's not important." I said, shoving Tommy a tad. He glared at me, but didn't dare to make another noise. We stood in silence, an awkward silence at that. Silence was nice though, I was used to it by now.

Secrets were normal. Everyone had secrets. The translator and the... watcher or whatever had secrets. The kings must have secrets. I bet even Tubbo and Tommy had secrets that they didn't even share between them. We all have haunting memories of our past that we would rather not share. So why share mine?


Tubbo's POV

"If you had just been next to me and helped me, maybe he would have told us!" Tommy yelled at me, his blue eyes digging into me. I winced, looking down at the ground. Our scout had been as awkward as the meeting in throne room. Tommy didn't seem to pleased with me.

"Fundy said hi! I wanted to talk for five sec-"

"No, you do this every time! Something just comes up all of the sudden and then they are more important than the task at hand!" Tommy threw his pillow back at his bed and stood up quickly. I flinched, putting my hands in front of my face. I never understood why I did that, it was just a reaction I couldn't control.

When I heard our room's door slam, I looked up. There was no sign of Tommy. I sighed, pulling my legs closer to me.

With Tommy, there really was no point in fighting back. He always won our arguments, either because I let him walk over me or he walks away, like he did just now. Still, he was my best friend, I always forgave him and tried to be as friendly as possible.

I'm only 16. Yet I am a guard for this kingdom and walk beside the head guard like it was no big deal. Wilbur was much more serious, preferring to not to joke, or talk in most cases. Tommy was better when we weren't fighting. Although, we are fighting more than half of the time...

But it doesn't matter! I'm the young, lovable one who always keeps a smile on his face no matter what! As long as I'm smiling, everything is in perfect balance. 

It hurts to smile.


(1046 Words)

Back to our main characters next chapter :D Everyone has secrets. It seems Wilbur and Tubbo especially...

Thanks for reading :D

Fundy: Age 17, minor character with limited appearances

Quackity: Age 17, extremely minor character

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