King's Past

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Dream's POV

"I want to go with them, Techno." I stated firmly, folding my arms. He glared back at me, his eyes blazing.

"You are a king, you do not go around town looking for traitors." Techno shook his head, leaning back in his throne. "Why do you insist on going? What help are you going to be to my scouts?" 

"I'm bringing George and Sapnap with me. Your guards can stay here and question the staff. I want to look around, maybe they are missing something." I growled, not enjoying this. Techno had the high ground right now, making him much more threatening. It's bad enough with his deep voice.

"Fine. Go." Techno looked away, but I could see the anger on his face. What a great way to start this brilliant day. First, two traitors, and now Techno is mad at me. Well, no time to focus on the negatives. Now I could get out of this stuffy castle.

I walked out the doors of the throne room. George and Sapnap looked hopefully at me. I grinned from under my ask, nodding. They looked thrilled, then went back to being serious as some housekeepers passed by. We laughed quietly and started heading to the castle gates.

"Remember, this is actual business, not play time." I said, smiling over at George and Sapnap. Sapnap rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue out.

"Jeez, ever since you became king, you're all work and no play. Can we even go to look at the old house?" Sapnap asked as he entered the password for the castle gates. They opened slowly, squeaking as the hinges turned.

"Maybe, but we have to look out for them. We don't know why they are gone, but we can't let them run around." I walked through first, slowing my long stride for them to catch up. We headed down the gravel path. I watched George kicking a stone on the ground. It landed in front of me, so I kicked it far. George tried to kick it before I did, but I was faster than him.

"Hey! I had that first!" George yelled, trying to block me from getting it. "Sapnap help me!" Sapnap laughed and jumped next to George, trying to block me. I ran to the left and they followed. Then I slammed on the breaks and went to the right. George slipped, crashing into Sapnap, making them both fall to the ground. I laughed and started kicking the stone back and forth.

"George, get off of me!" Sapnap shrieked, shoving George to side. He stood up quickly, brushing the dirt out of his black hair. "Nice, Dream, now my hair is ruined!" I snickered, giving a hand to George. He rolled his eyes, pushing his glasses up.

"Hey, you chose the wrong side on that one. No wonder you never get chosen to go out on scouts." I smirked at Sapnap. He growled at me, his eyebrows showing from under his bandana. 

"Guys, come on. We need to scout, not just play games." George said, watching me and Sapnap. We didn't stop glaring at each other. "Guys! Now!" George waved his hands in front of our faces, stopping us from staring at each other.

"Fine, fine, you're right. Let's go." I walked ahead, letting George walk with Sapnap. We hadn't been allowed to go on a scout in so long, and here we were, acting like a bunch of 15-year-olds. Not this wasn't normal, it was actually quite like a fight we had when we were younger...

"Clay! Stop it! Give me the book!" Nick yelled, trying to jump up to grab his notebook from my hand. I grinned, going on my tip toes. Nick was significantly shorter me, making this my favorite thing ever. 

"I wish I could... unfortunately, my arm seems to be locked in this position for the rest of my life, whoops." I smirked at Nick.

"Why you little-" Nick jumped forward, smashing into me. Usually, I could keep my balance, but with me being on my tip toes, it made it twenty times harder. I landed on the ground, the notebook falling out of my hand. I opened my eyes, watching Nick reach for his notebook.

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