Two Rulers

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???'s POV

I walked down the halls of the castle, not glancing at any of the servants who stood off to the side. They all knew better than to look at me.

I reached the main room, two thrones sitting right next to each other. One had a red seat with golden arm rests, the other had a green seat with golden arm rests. Two other males stood around the green chair, one older than me and one younger than me. They smiled as I approached.

"Hey Dream." The older man said. He had a blue shirt on with blue jeans. He wore glasses with a white rim that covered up his golden, brown eyes. His hair was a chocolaty brown and moved with as he walked.

"Nice to see you George, Sapnap." I addressed both of them, turning to the younger male. He had lighter skin than both me and George, and had black hair to contrast it. His eyes were a darker brown, shining in the light unlike any other brown. He wore a white shirt with a flame on it, black jeans, and a white bandanna around his forehead.

"Not another boring day of doing nothing, right?" Sapnap looked hopefully at me. I smiled, not that they could see it. I wore a white mask over my face, not wanting anyone to see who I was. Not even these two, my closest friends, knew what I looked like. Well, they could obviously see I had blonde hair, but that was about it.

"Sadly, Dave wants us here. In case someone tries to get in. I think he might be sending out one of you two though. His youngest guard didn't do so well on the last scout." I sighed, taking a seat on my throne. I glanced at out of the window, wishing I could be outside. But Techno had the upper hand. We might rule together, but he always gets to pick what happens.

"Which guard? Aren't two of them 16?" Before I could respond to George's question, the doors to our throne room swung open. First entered two boys, one much taller than the other.

"No! We need to grab the spears! They have longer distance!" The shorter one yelled. He had British accent, similar to George's. His hair was brown, which matched his eyes exactly. He had a yellow shirt on with golden armor on top.

"The knives are much better! Better for stabbing!" The taller boy shouted back. He had blonde hair with blue, with his accent matching the shorter boy's. He had a red shirt with golden armor on.

"Shush! Don't let him hear you two or you will both be beheaded." A much taller and older man walked through. British accent, as all of them seemed to have. He had brown, curly hair and brown eyes. His face was serious now, but he seemed to have a kind, knowing look in his eyes.

"Ahem." I finally spoke out. All three of them jumped, turning to face me. George and Sapnap eyed them, scooting closer to my throne. The older male glared at the two younger boys next to him, then took a step towards me.

"I am so sorry King Dream for our rudeness in your presence. We will sort ourselves out, won't we?" He turned to the younger boys, both of them still frozen in place. Then they both began nodding quickly, each smiling goofy grins. I grinned under my mask, liking how they were still young and free.

"It's ok, Wilbur. I do believe you should stand in your place before he arrives." Wilbur seemed realized at my quick acceptance, then ushered the boys to their places. He gave me a small smile from across the room. I gave a quick nod, then turned my head to the door. It had started to creak open. He was approaching.

"Ah, I see we are all here." He spoke, his voice deeper than everyone else's. He went up the steps and sat in the throne next to me. "Line up." George and Sapnap left my side and stood in front of me and Techno. Wilbur took his place next to George, our lineup in age. The younger, brown-haired boy stood next to Sapnap, and the blonde stood next to him.

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