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Hello! I know it's been a few months, but this is your author, Kuro, speaking. Or typing, I guess. Anyways, this story will not be finished or completed, at least on here. Unfortunately my love for writing has strayed from people like Skeppy, TapL, and all of those people. I still adore writing though, which is why I am now located on AO3, with the username kurozons. I'm currently writing an SBI centric fanfic, if you would like to check it out!

Regardless, thank you for all the support on Three Kings. I loved this book to the end, and I wish I still had the spark to write it. I do intend on using the same plot for another story, which will be named Three Kings. For now, the story lays unfinished. If you would like to know what would've happened, here you go:

-After collecting themselves and preparing, Skeppy and CO would storm the castle again. They would be met half way, with a line of troops meeting them in an open field.
-Dream would've already rescued Sapnap, George, and Sam from the cellar.
-Tommy and Wilbur would have recovered
-Tommy now believes that what Skeppy is fighting for is correct
-The fighting sides would be divided into 3 sections:
1. Skeppy, Bad, TapL, Vurb, Finn, Spifey, Zelkam, Velvet, and Tubbo
2. Techno, Wilbur, Quackity, Ranboo, Karl, Ant, Fundy, and all the basic troops
3. (Unknown group to group 2, teamed with group 1) Dream, Sapnap, George, Tommy, and Sam
-Sapnap would be the first fatality, dying protecting George from Quackity
-Finn would die next, being killed by an explosion accidentally set off by troops
-Skeppy and Dream would meet up, fighting till Dream convinced Skeppy that he was on his side
-Skeppy would fight Techno head on, alone, and would almost die before Dream sacrifices himself for Skeppy
-Techno would be bombarded with people from Skeppy's side, and Tommy's side, after he killed Dream
-Wilbur is killed trying to protect Tommy, is final words being, "you're always my little brother."
-In the end, Techno is sent to the prison cells. Skeppy takes over as king, Bad as his right hand man
-Next book of the series would've focused on the trauma Skeppy, Tommy, and George went through

Thank you guys again. I'm so sorry it ended this way, but thank you for loving this story. Goodbye, or maybe just...

See you soon.

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