Coming Apart

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(Each chapter will now feature to different POVs. For example, Skeppy's POV and then Tommy's POV all in one chapter! This will help so we don't have super short chapters and so the chapters don't get boring. Anyways, hope you enjoy!)



Tubbo's POV

(Later in the day)

"I really hope Tommy and Wilbur aren't mad at me." I told Antfrost. We were sitting by Sapnap. He hadn't moved or done anything since Techno forced me to stay here all day. Antfrost didn't have anything else to do so he decided to keep me company.

"Why would Tommy be mad at you? You are simply doing what King Techno asked of you." Ant looked at me quizzically. I shrugged, leaning back in my chair. 

"He doesn't like when I don't tell him things." I said, looking over to Sapnap again. Ant told me George and Dream had brought him in and that's about it. Maybe they were attacked during their scout. Who knows, George and Karl didn't stop by, and Ant said Dream hadn't left his room all day. How much weirder could this castle become?

"You'll be fine, I'm sure if you just explain yourself and tell Tommy why you are here, he will easily forgive you." Ant smiled, placing his hand on my left shoulder. I smiled back, trying to look comforted by his words. 

Unfortunately, explaining didn't seem to work. A year ago, I left to go on a scout with Wilbur and... the old head guard, what ever his name was. When I came back, Tommy wouldn't stop yelling. It scared me, a lot. I tried to explain, but he wouldn't stop screaming. Eventually he seemed to get tired and just walked out of the room, like he always did. The next morning we were back to normal. Not one apology was said from him, only from me. I thought it was unfair, but who am I to complain?

"I think I hear someone!" Ant exclaimed, standing out of his chair. I heard the voices as well. One of them was... recognizable, so to speak.

The doors flew open, revealing a tired looking Wilbur. He spotted me, giving a little wave. And following right behind him, my best friend. I think.

"When I find him, you better be-" Tommy stopped midsentence, looking over to me and Ant. He blinked at me and I blinked right back. Before I knew it, he was walking over to me. And let's just say, he didn't look he was about to give me a hug.

"Hi Tommy! I can expl-"

"Where were you!" He yelled, his voice ringing out throughout the room. I could see Ant take a step back. If I wasn't sitting down, I would do the same. "You left us! You didn't show up to the meeting! You weren't there when I awoke either!" His voice sounded more worried than angry. Still, he took a step forward, his height making me seem like a puppy. 

"Tommy, I was just watc-"

"Shut up!" He pushed me, his hands colliding with my shoulders. My chair tipped over and my back hit the ground with a slap. Ant ran to my side, offering me a hand. I took it and he pulled me up, putting an arm around my shoulder.

I looked to Tommy. His eyes were wide and he was looking at his hands as if they were cursed. He looked up and our eyes connected. He was still much taller than me, even when I was standing.

"Tubbo, I'm sor-"

"Save it." Ant's voice rang out before mine could. I looked up at him, noticing the anger in his eyes. Tommy winced, taking a little step back. "Attacking your best friend? He was simply obeying orders."

"I didn't know, I'm sorr-"

"You would've known if you could fucking listen for once!" I yelled out, surprising myself with the anger in my voice. I moved out from under Ant's arm and walked towards Tommy slowly. He backed up at the same rate. The fear was evident in his eyes. "You can't even go one second without interrupting me! You never listen to me and I'm just tired of it!"

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