Trying to Understand

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I have given up on creative titles if you haven't noticed.  Hope you guys enjoy!


George's POV

"Sapnap!" I hugged him, trying to not put too much pressure on his body. My eyes closed and my breathing calmed. Sapnap shifted and I could feel one of his arms on my back. I smiled and leaned up so I was looking down at him again. He smiled, but I could tell it was taking him a lot of energy to do a simple task.

"Hey, George." Sapnap's voice was stronger than before, to the point where someone could actually hear him. I wiped my hand across my face, all the tears soaking into my sleeve. 

"Feeling okay, Sapnap?" Ant asked from behind me. I moved out of the way so Ant could get closer. He was the medical professional after all.

"Yeah, bit confused and light-headed, but otherwise I'm fine. What happened?" Sapnap tried to move his arm, stopping once he saw there were wires in it. 

"You, uh, well you passed out in the middle of a scout. That's what I heard. We are going to run some tests on a couple things once you start feeling better." Ant smiled lightly. Sapnap sighed and nodded his head.

"Ok," Sapnap looked around the room a little bit more. I turned around, hoping Dream would have gotten over himself and would be behind me. No one was. Tubbo must've left without saying bye. "Is Dream here? Where is he?" I turned back to Sapnap, not meeting with his eyes.

"He was being a bit weird earlier, but I'm sure he will be here soon. Don't worry about him, you should get some rest." I patted his shoulder. Sapnap smiled and nodded while relaxing into his bed once again. Their were dark circles under his eyes that made it look like he had been awake for 2 days instead of in a coma.

I watched Sapnap close his eyes. Antfrost and team walked away, leaving me by his side. As much as I would like to stay here with Sapnap, my other bestfriend needed me. He didn't think he does, but I can still try to help him.

I crept away, trying not to disturb Sapnap. Once I got out of the corridor, I walked normally and headed straight for Dream's room. When I turned the corner, the door was wide open and no guards stood outside of it. Dream must've gone and hid somewhere. Luckily, I knew all of his hiding places. Hell, I told him where half of them were.

I went to the staircase that went upstairs and climbed it. When I reached the top, I could already hear the crashing of a sword against a wood pole. I opened the door in front of the staircase, scaring Dream once again. He turned quickly, pointing his sword at me. His mask wasn't on and I could see his green eyes and blonde hair clearly now.

Dream groaned and picked up his mask from the ground, putting it back on. "Scaring me twice in one day, good job." Dream said, leaning his sword against the wooden pole he had been sparing with. It really wasn't a fair fight, but it was good for letting some anger or stress out.

"What's up with you?" I asked, shutting the door behind me. This room wasn't used. It was meant to be a storage room, but I had cleared it out for Dream when we came here. Hitting a sword against a pole was good for you. Better than hitting people at least.

"Nothing, nothing," Dream said. He rubbed the back of his neck. "is Sapnap ok?"

"Yeah, they are letting him rest before doing some tests. He was asking where you were." Dream tensed as the words left my mouth. I sighed. "Why is Sapnap suddenly not your friend?"

"Just, I don't know! You guys just are by me and are friendly because I'm the king! If you weren't nice to me, then you would be banished or worse!" Dream snapped at me. I winced, taking a step back. Is that really what he thought?

"You are kidding me, right?" I asked, honestly confused. Dream huffed, not responding. "We promised from the moment we set out to fight King Techno that nothing would come between us. Our friendship hasn't changed just because your status has changed." I walked closer to Dream and reached out to my put hand on his shoulder. He started to move away, but stopped, letting me place my hand on his shoulder. 

"Maybe not with you, but me and Sapnap never talk outside of work. I don't know, would he even really want to see me?" Dream brought his hand up to his face and took off his mask. I could see his green eyes again, but this time, they were watery with tears. 

"Of course he wants to see you! You're his best friend!" I smiled at Dream who smiled right back. I let go of him and he picked up his sword.

"I'll go later, letting him rest is probably good for now." Dream slid his sword into it's sheath and put it on the wall near the door. 

Who knows why those thoughts were even in Dream's mind, but at I was always here to fix his issues.


Tubbo's POV

I sat in my- I mean mine and Tommy's room. After seeing that Sapnap was awake, I just left. I don't think I was needed to watch him and staying in that room felt horrible. All I could see was Tommy's face as he turned away from me. Why was I such a horrible person? Yelling at my best friend like that? God, I'm such a bloody idiot.

"Knock knock." I jumped, looking at the door. Wilbur stood at the door, a small smile on his face. "Can I come in?" I nodded, moving some of items off of my bed in case he wanted to sit down.

"What's up?" I asked once I moved everything. Wilbur just leaned against the wall, looking around the room.

"Nothing, just wanted to check on you. I sent Tommy on an errand so he won't be back for a while." Wilbur smiled softly at me. I sighed, resting my head against the wall.

"I'm such an idiot, I just snapped at him for absolutely no reason! He must hate me and never want to see me again! We share a room, should I get a room change? Oh god, I should pack my thin-" As I went to go to my dresser, Wilbur put his hands on my shoulders, pushing me back down onto my bed. He sat down next to me, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Tubbo, you are not an idiot. Tommy sometimes walks all over you, it's okay that you finally got upset with him. Also, the entire scout, all Tommy would talk about is how bad he felt and how you were never going to forgive him! You two just need to talk, I'm sure it'll be ok!" I leaned into Wilbur a little, sniffing. Tommy thought I was mad at him? Maybe last night, but not now!

"Really? You think so?" I looked up at Wilbur. He looked down at me, his golden brown eyes shining in the light.

"Of course! You are his Tubbo and he is your Tommy! Nothing could ever come between you two!" Wilbur ruffled my hair, messing it up. I grinned, and pushed him away. He laughed and stood up.

"Thanks Wilbur." Wilbur nodded and gave me a little wave. As he grabbed the doorknob, I remembered something. "Hey Wilbur?"

"Yea?" He turned to look at me again.

"What was the old head guard's name again?"

"Oh, uh," Wilbur grasped the doorknob a little harder. He sighed, looking back at me. "His name was...



(1303 Words)

Ahhhh, thank you guys so much for 3K reads! Over my winter break, I'll try to get a lot of chapters out! Thanks for reading!

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