Mind Tricks

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Dream's POV

I leaned against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. One light was on in the room, leaving just enough light so I could see Sapnap. I had set up base next to him, wanting to stay with him. He stayed with me, by my side, through it all. This was the least I could.

George and Karl said they would come and check in later. Even Wilbur had come to check on us. No sign of Techno yet, not that I'm surprised. He probably doesn't even know one of his top guards is currently unconscious.

"Excuse me, King Dream?" I looked up, noticing the figure coming into the light. "Sorry, sir, it's Antfrost, Doctor Antfrost to be exact. I just wanted to know if you wanted a status update on Sapnap?" I nodded vigorously, standing out of my plastic chair. He looked down at a sheet of paper then back at me. "Well it seems to have been a panic attack that he couldn't handle. He is physically healthy and everything checks out. With his memory... we won't know what is up with that till he wakes up."

"How long till he wakes up?" I asked hopefully. Ant shifted and looked down at the paper once again.

"Maybe a day or two? We have him on an IV to make sure he doesn't become dehydrated or anything. We can have someone out here at night to make sure he doesn't panic when he wakes up." Ant offered, a small smile on his face. I looked at Sapnap, wincing at the sight of the tube going into his arm.

"It's ok, I can watch him." Ant nodded, smiling a little bit more.

"Of course, King Dream. I will be back in 3 hours. If you need me for anything, just click this," He gestured to a blue button on Sapnap's bed. "and it will alert me. Have a good night, sir."

"Goodnight, Antfrost." Ant smiled and walked away, going back into the darkness.

I sighed, sitting back in my chair. It was probably almost midnight. Might as well get some rest.


"Dream!" I jumped, almost knocking into the person in front of me. I groaned, blinking a few times. As my eyes focused, I could see it was... 


"King Techno, what are you doing here?" I stammered, taking a step back to get out his personal space.

"Wondering why you are staying here. We have people to watch over him, come on." Techno started to walk away. I looked at Sapnap and stood my ground.

"I'm not leaving him." Techno stopped dead in his tracks as the words left my mouth. He spun around and marched back over to me. His red coat followed, sweeping in front of him when he came to a jaunting halt right in front of me.

"You are a king. You do not watch over the help." Techno whispered harshly. I shivered a little, my body telling me to back up. But I can't back down, not for this.

"He isn't just the help! Sapnap is my friend!" I yelled at Techno, trying to sound confident. Inside, I was shaking at the sight of Techno's angry eyes. Being on the receiving end of Techno's yellings is not fun. Shocker, am I right?

Techno scoffed, a small laugh leaving his lips. "You can't be serious. You are being unreasonable, Dream." Techno started to walk around me, like a shark hunting his prey. "You really think he thinks the same of you? Does he really think of you as a friend? Or are you just being blind?" Techno stopped in front of me, bending down to my height.

"I... of course he is my friend!" I tried to yell with the same force as before, but even I could hear that my voice was weaker. I looked back at Sapnap. He protected me two days ago, of course he was my friend! Sure, we don't talk or check in on each other... but we are just busy!

We aren't avoiding each other or anything. We would have no reason to! Maybe their scouts take a long time now! But George always comes in before dinner to say hi... even before all this drama...

"Really? You seem to be thinking about it a lot. Wouldn't you know if he was your friend?" Techno put his hand on my shoulder, and this time, I didn't shove it off. Maybe Techno was right, maybe Sapnap didn't see me as a friend anymore... maybe he saw me as a threat since I was above him now... "Come on, how about I go find someone to watch him and you go to bed? We have the meeting in a couple hours." Techno gently shoved me to the door and I just kept walking.

My head was low as I walked through the halls. Techno was right, Sapnap was just nice so he didn't get hurt.

Was he ever really my friend?


Techno's POV

I smirked, watching Dream's back disappear farther. I turned to Sapnap's bed, looking at him. Who knows what happened to him, but it helped me anyways. Separating Dream from his friends was the first step.

"King Technoblade?" I glanced over, noticing Tubbo coming in through the other doors. 

"Ahh, yes, Tubbo, my favorite knight!" Tubbo stood still as I walked over to him. I could see him flinch as I put my hand on his shoulder. "I have a job for you. You are going to stay here and watch over Sapnap! You are excused from the scout today and the meeting. Thanks!" I smiled and walked away, not giving Tubbo anymore information. He would be fine, it's a simple task handling someone is unconscious anyways.

I closed the doors behind me and walked through the hallways. Some guards walked through the hallways, saluting me as I walked by. I didn't even glance at them, not giving any of them any attention. They don't deserve it, no one deserves my attention.

I walked into my room, two guards closing the doors behind me. I sighed and went over to my grand window. It looked over the east side of the kingdom. Lights were on, illuminating the entire towns within the kingdom.

Somewhere in that kingdom sat three, sad men, all hiding away from the guard's sights. They didn't have half of what we had. Yet, they probably had some morals. That's always what happened in these big hero comeback stories. They don't like people ruling over them so they come together and destroy them and rule the kingdom fairly or blah blah.

Luckily, I read children's books. I needed to get Dream on my side more. Even though we ruled together, he didn't like the way I ruled. His friends were apart of that problem. Hopefully my whole convincing speech will separate him from Sapnap. George is a different story, I don't know how I'm going to do that one yet. Not that I would ever say out loud.

Maybe those guys had morals, but I had plans. 

And no one ever outsmarts my plans.


(1169 Words)

AHHHHHH Ok thank you guys so much for 2K reads! This is amazing how much this story grows on a daily basis! Love you all so much (platonically) and thanks for reading!

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