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George's POV (GNF)

I blinked, looking up at the horribly painted ceiling. It was in need of a fresh paint of coat, but I bet that isn't even on Techno's or his servant's minds. Apparently all Quackity is focused on is beating us up to get on Techno's good side.

"Sam?" I called out into the silence. It had been some time, a couple days maybe. Kind of hard to tell when you can't even see the sun. A dim candle lighted my cell. How thoughtful of them.

"Yea?" Sam had gotten better since that meeting. He had been given back his mask, not that it helped much. Quackity had knocked pieces of it, leaving part of Sam's face exposed. Still, Sam's cuts and bruises were healing. He couldn't walk, but Ant came down to treat it every now and then.

"I'm sorry." I probably had said that line a million times. Still, it was my fault for us being in this situation. If anything, it is at least my fault for Sam being hurt.

"How many times do I have to say it isn't your fault? Look at me, George." I sat up, turning to look through my iron bars. Sam stared back at me and I could see his bruised chin. "Neither of us are to blame for this. We took a risk talking about it, and sometimes getting caught happens. It's shocking we are even alive."

"Dream saved us." I mumbled. Sam nodded, his green hair bouncing.

"It's only proving my point. I think Dream would be up for overthrowing Techno. Him saving you and I shows he at least has compassion for one of us." Sam stood up, using his iron bars to support himself. I stood up as well, walking over to edge of my cell.

"But Techno literally confessed what he is going to do to Dream. There is no way in hell Techno would allow Dream to come down here after that." I shook my head, leaning heavily on my left leg.

"Can't we just have some hope? Something, anything, just a tiny bit of hope to grasp onto." I looked at Sam. "George, we're losing, I realize we are losing. Everyone is losing, except for Techno and his minions. Skeppy could be dead after Tommy shot him, Tommy is falling apart, and we are stuck down here." Sam banged on the iron bars of his cell. Looking at him now, he seemed deranged, like everything was just falling upon him at that moment.

"But hope goes such a long way! If we give up on everything, then yeah, Dream will be manipulated and we might as well be dead. Just... something will fall in line. I bet it come busting through the door any second now!" Sam gestured to the stairs, where just above them sat the iron door that was fully constricting us down here.

A big clang of metal scared us both, making us now fully look at the stars. We could hear voices, one more recognizable then the other. "Quackity, let me get that for you! I can bring it to them! Might even, uh, spit in it, yea!" Sapnap's voice rang out and he was obviously talking to someone.

"I guess, Techno does want me back soon. Fine, just don't talk to them. Meet back in the throne room." I looked at Sam, seeing how wide his eyes were. Quackity's voice left a scar on Sam, one that might not be easily healed. Luckily, it sounded like Sapnap was coming down, not Quackity.

Light footsteps hit the stairs, alerting us that he was coming down. It was a spiral staircase, but I could see him as he turned towards us. I didn't dare to call out, knowing Quackity might be listening. He apparently really loved eavesdropping at the worst moments.

Sapnap finally got to our level, his eyes flickering to up the stairs. When he looked back, he rushed over to us, giving us our separate plates. It was only a piece of burnt toast, but it was better than starving.

"Sam, George! Are you guys okay?" Sapnap's interest in our well-being confused me. Not only because of his normally apathetic demeanor, but because we had been called out for trying to kill the kings. I thought he would care about us apparently plotting to kill Dream, even if that is the opposite of what we were doing.

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