Startled Silence

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Mega's POV

I laid on my bed, staring at the stupid ceiling. After the stupid box head scare, me and Darryl did our scout. Now here we were. In the exact same place like we always were. With the guards now on high alert for this block head, we couldn't sneak out for archery! The one time something interesting happened!

I could hear Darryl's snores from besides me. He didn't seem to mind, brushing it off like it was nothing. But for me, it was a release from the tension in this stupid castle. Yea, maybe all I did was pull the arrows out of the targets, but it was better than having to watch everyone do their jobs. Stupid kingdom, stupid castle, stupid everything! I would do anything to get out of here!

I sat up, glancing at Darryl. He seemed completely out, as if the day was so hard. Oh, how hard it was sitting in a room all day, only coming out for one scout, the morning meeting, and bathroom breaks! What a horrible life!

Ok, yea it wasn't bad here. If we didn't step out of line, we lived a pretty easy life. Free food, free clothes, and a clean-ish room. 

Yet, something inside of me felt it was wrong. It was wrong to live in this castle, not having to worry about anything, while innocent people struggled down in the kingdom. 

I didn't remember much about my childhood. For all I knew, my parents were gone. And I was here, used as a surveillance method. With a translator, since, I'm a mute. I don't think I've ever said anything, yet I knew how to pronounce everything. Having people talk around you all day helped.

Darryl was the only one I could communicate with, him being the only one who knew sign language. Sometimes I wrote down words for others to understand me, but it was just easier now that Darryl was my translator. The surveillance duo, that's what I've heard us being called.

Darryl shifted out on his bed, jolting me out of my thoughts. I shook my head a little and stood up, trying to be quiet. I tip toed over to our door, not really knowing what I was doing. A quick walk around the castle couldn't hurt, as long as no one saw me. So I opened my door and snuck out, making sure to close it quietly behind me.

I walked through the hall, my eyes watching for guards. No one was around, like usual. All night guards stood by the castle walls, the only thing blocking us from the rest of the kingdom. So I headed the usual route to our only exit. Down the hallway, down the back stairs and out into the garden.

I opened the door to the garden, immediately feeling some pressure lifting off of me. It felt amazing being outside, seeing the night sky with all the stars in it. A small smile stayed on my face as I headed to our exit.

I crouched down, removing some of the vines on the garden wall. Once they were out of the wall, it revealed a small hole, only big enough for people below 6 foot. I crawled through easily, since I was just 5 foot 6 inches on good days.

I stood up once I was through. Now I was about 10 feet away from the main wall. I looked up at the top, noting the extra guards. They definitely were taking this whole security thing more seriously now. Unfortunately, this meant sneaking through the second hole would be even harder.

I quickly ran across the grass in between the two walls. I walked next to the wall, feeling for the hole. When my hand fell through an area, I stopped, smiling. I ducked down and walked through. This hole had been here before me and Darryl started sneaking out, so it was much bigger. Not that the hole we made was bad, I actually thought it was perfect. Being short had it's advantages sometimes.

Once I was through, I leaned against the wall, looking around. I'm small and I wear dark clothes, so all I needed was to find some bushes to hide and crawl through, and I'd be home safe. I walked across the wall, spotting some bushes just ahead. I took a breath, then scurried forward, getting into the bushes swiftly and quietly. 

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