Two Witches

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(Extremely long chapter since we hit 1K! Thank you guys so much :D Love you all and I hope you enjoy reading!)

Darryl's POV

Harvey and Skeppy walked ahead of us. They knew the path way better than us so we were just merely following. Mega shoved me, knocking me out of my daydream, like usual.

'Are you ok?' Mega signed.

'I think so. I wish I could have helped Skeppy and Harvey fight. Maybe Skeppy would not be injured if I could have helped.' I signed back. Mega shook his head at me, nearly facepalming.

'You knew how to bandage Z- Skeppy. He could have lost a lot of blood without your help. Fighting is not everything.' Mega replied, or signed back in his case. I shrugged and look ahead. Some houses were appearing in front of us, giving us a break from the trees. 

Lots of people were out on the streets. They all seemed relaxed, a complete difference from the people around Skeppy's house and Harvey's house. Kids ran down the street, flags following them. 

Harvey and Skeppy stopped as we approached the first houses of this little village. Mega and I came up behind them. Skeppy was still applying pressure below his wound. Harvey was holding onto a map, looking around the village as well.

"I think Vurb lives on the other side. So we need to get through here then turn left and he is somewhere down that last street. I don't know if Finn is with him, but might as well find out." Harvey closed the map and started walking into the village. I took a breath and followed him, Mega and Skeppy beside me. Skeppy went ahead and joined Harvey. 

As we got farther and farther into the village, some people gave us strange looks. They all just stopped whatever they were doing and stared at us. It was a bit weird. Harvey and Skeppy seemed to have noticed as well and slowed down, letting us catch up. We walked as a line, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone.

Harvey blocked us with his hand. I looked up and someone was approaching us. I instinctively put myself in front of Skeppy and Mega. This person could be a threat, who knows. I wasn't taking chances after our first encounter.

"Excuse me," the man said. "why are you nice boys here?"

"Oh, we are just coming to look for our friends. We mean no harm, just visiting our friends." Harvey rubbed the back of his neck. Luckily, he had such an affectionate voice that even when he was nervous, he sounded sincere.

The man laughed a little. "Oh, carry on then. Sorry for bothering you boys," he stepped out of the way. Still, his eyes were on us. As we passed, he reached out, almost grabbing Mega's arm. I jumped in front of his arm, eyes down in slits.

"Thank you for asking. I hope you have a nice day." I said in a stern day. Harvey came back to us. He had his hand on his sword. I looked behind me. Mega was holding onto Skeppy's arm, leaning into him. Skeppy still held his wrist, smiling weakly when we connected eyes.

"Just one thing," The man started. I turned back to him, still maintaining a stern look. "who are your friends? We don't get visitors very often." Harvey shoved me a little. I glanced over at him and he was shaking his head.

Harvey stepped out in front of us, obviously taking the lead. "Oh, just our childhood friends! We know one of them lives here! Vurb, yea, that's his name. Now if you would excuse us-" Harvey was cut short when the man grabbed his arm, pulling him away from his sword.

"The Vurb? The witch. You are friends... supporters of the... witch." The man's grip kept getting tighter and tighter on Harvey's arm. Harvey started pulling back and you could see the panic in his eyes. Skeppy reached forwards and used his good hand to try and help free Harvey. I felt Mega grab onto my arm. I looked back at him, trying to look calm for him. He looked anything but calm. 

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