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Mega's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to block the sunlight from getting to my eyes. Once my eyes started to focus, I noticed the ceiling was a different color. I sat up quickly, looking around. When I saw Darryl across the room from me, I relaxed. It wasn't a dream, we actually ran away.

I grabbed my scarf from the ground. I didn't get to organize last night. It was so late that I had just passed out on my bed. I pulled it around my face and stood up. Darryl seemed to be asleep so I just left him behind. I opened and closed our bedroom door. 

Skeppy's door was still closed, just like it had been last night. The hallway all the rooms were in was quite bland. Only one picture was up on the wall. I looked at it, two boys staring back at me. They looked to be quite young, their childish grins plastered on their faces. Both of them had brown eyes and brown hair and were holding plastic swords. 

I smiled at the picture. Carefree kids, something that was probably rare these days. They must've been best friends, playing everyday with their little swords.

I shook my head and headed downstairs. I wished I had a normal childhood, or at least remembered it. Maybe it was bad so maybe it's a good thing I don't remember it. It might just be me, but I wanted to know what happened. I wanted to know who my parents were, if I had siblings, and if I had any friends, like these boys did. Hell, I don't even know how families work.

I glanced around, deciding to go into the kitchen. It was a little messy, some boxes on the counters, but it was easy to navigate. I opened the pantry, looking through the items. I shrugged, grabbing a roll. I closed it, turning around with my eyes still focused on the roll. When I started to look up, I jumped backwards, not expecting movement.

A boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and darker skin stared back at me, his eyes slightly wide as well. I backed closer to the pantry door, my arms coming closer to my chest. He glanced back at the opening to the kitchen then back at me.

"Mega, it's just me. Skeppy." He held his hands up, staying completely still. It was his voice, but seeing his actual face had surprised me. It's weird to say this but I was used to his block head, not a normal human face.

As I looked at him closer, my eyes widened in realization. I put my roll down on the counter and grabbed his hand, dragging him up the stairs. I let go of his hand once we arrived to the picture on the wall I had been looking at earlier. I pointed at one of the boys then looked at Skeppy.

"What?" Skeppy looked at the picture, scanning over it. A little smile formed on his face. "If your asking if that is me, then yea, that's me with my friend Harvey. He was in my friend group when I was younger." His smile fell a little when he said younger. I nodded, looking back at the picture. Skeppy looked so much younger and... happier back then. It's been a long time, I guess.

"Anyways, come on, let's get Darryl up so we can talk about the rest of the day."


Tommy's POV

"Come on Tubbo, we need to get down there. Wilbur will be mad if we are late again!" I paced near our door. Tubbo buttoned his shirt up, rolling his eyes a little.

"As long as we beat the kings, we will be fine. Stop worrying so much." Tubbo grabbed his coat, tossing it over his shoulders. He grinned at me, opening the door. "Let's go." I huffed, walking through first. Tubbo closed the door behind us and skipped next to me.

"My god, you are quite loud Tubbo. Wouldn't hurt to quiet down, would it?" I smiled at Tubbo, who seemed to be ignoring me. He waved to everyone we passed, a bright smile on his face. I laughed under my breath, shaking my head a little. Even with our position, he was still a bright mate.

Once we got to the throne room, I opened the door, letting Tubbo enter first. Only Wilbur stood in position, Dream, George, and Sapnap missing. We parked next to Wilbur, who gave us a small smile.

"Where is King Dream?" I whispered to Wilbur. He shrugged, glancing at the clock on the wall. Five minutes till the normal meeting, yet no one was here. Not even Darryl and Mega, who were normally arriving at the same time as us.

I jumped as the throne room doors opened up. Guards held them open. George and Sapnap entered, followed by King Dream, then King Techno. They both took their places on their thrones, eyes on us.

"Report, Wilbur." King Dream said. With Dream's mask on, you couldn't tell who he was looking at. But with Techno, you could see his piercing eyes staring straight at you. Not the best feeling in the world, if I may say.

"The scout was fine yesterday. No suspicious activity or anything. No signs of Skeppy." Wilbur said, his voice firm. He always had so much confidence talking to the kings. I guess he would be used to it by now. He always spoke for me and Tubbo.

"Good, Darryl and Me- where are they?" King Dream looked around the roomm. We all did, looking for the translator and scout. Neither were to be seen.

"We can't get any good work around here... Tommy." King Techno spoke, staring straight at me. I stepped forward, trying not to shake. "Go to their room and fetch them immediately. NOW." He yelled at the end, standing up a little. I flinched, nodding quickly after and I swiftly walked out of the room.

I ran through the halls, down to their room. Stupid translator and scout, making me get yelled at for their disobedience. I shook my head, sharply turning a corner. I almost slammed into a maid, barely managing to move out of the way in time.

I slammed to a halt in front of their door, taking a second to catch my breath. Running was so not on my schedule this morning. I groaned, knocking on the door. "Mega! Darryl! The kings request you at the throne room at once!" I knocked again. No response. What are they doing, taking a morning snooze?

I grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. My mouth dropped open. The beds were neatly made, looking untouched. I walked in and opened a drawer in their dresser. Nothing. I kept opening each drawer, but it was all the same. Nothing but air. I looked around the room, but they weren't here.

With a burst of energy, I sprinted down the halls, back to the throne room. I didn't even wait for the guards to open the doors, I just burst through them. Wilbur and Tubbo looked at me with wide eyes. George and Sapnap looked shocked as well. All eyes were on me.

"Well? Are they coming?" King Techno said, standing up. His eyes glued on mine as I struggled to catch my breath.

"My kings... Mega and Darryl... they aren't here anymore." I gasped for air in between words. I wasn't even focused on what was happening in front of me. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground, a sword pointed to my throat. 

"What the hell did you just say?" King Techno stood above me, his eyes burning into me. I could see Wilbur and Tubbo out of the corner of my eye, each of their expressions filled with fear. The diamond sword shone, the light reflecting off of it perfectly.

"I said," I took a gulp of air.

"I said Mega and Darryl aren't here."


(1318 words)

Sorry this is short! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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