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TW/ mentions of death and mentions of emotional abuse (Tubbo's part)

Sapnap's POV

"Look, I know I'm not exactly cut out for this, but I can try to learn!" Ant rubbed his arm, smiling sheepishly. I sighed, nodding my head.

"It's going to be a learning experience for all of us." Ant held his sword far away from him. Since now both George and Sam were out, for obvious reasons, we needed more hands. Quackity and Ranboo were reserved for Dream, leaving me, Fundy, and Karl as the main guards. Tommy and Wilbur didn't really get put under that label anymore.

Ant was a doctor, not a fighter. He didn't protest when Dream told him his new task, he was always willing to help. Yet you could see a hint of regret in his eyes.

"Well first of all, please stop pointing the tip of your sword at my face." I took a tiny step back. Ant grinned, lowering his sword to the ground.

"Learning experience is a good phrase for this." He scratched the back of his neck.

"How about we just get comfortable around the sword, it's not an enemy unless the enemy is holding it." I walked up to him, adjusting his hold on the sword. I brought it closer to him, but I could see him flinch. "You okay?"

"Yea, yea, just when those rebels came in and broke into the medical room... it scared me a bit. I'm supposed to be the doctor, not involved with the fighting, just the aftermath. Then I was the aftermath and it changed my perspective on this." Ant sighed. "It's stupid, I know." I let go of his forearms and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"No, no, I get it. I don't think anyone here except maybe King Techno actually enjoy fighting to the death. Some of us get over it quicker, some of us don't. Here," I took the sword out of Ant's hands. "we don't have to do this today, or any day."

"Wouldn't the kings be upset?" Ant asked, glancing at the door.

"Honestly, Dream can give up one of his guards for a day if we need them, I'm not concerned. Don't worry about it." Ant nodded, smiling up at me.

"Thanks, Sapnap. I'm going to go back to the medical hall." 

I waved as he walked out the door, into the hall. "See you around."

I let out a breath. As much as I would offer help to Ant, I couldn't right now. George, I'm just so worried about George. Sam as well, he did get beat up pretty horribly. But there was no way in hell either of them planned to kill Techno and Dream... or at least planned to kill Dream. Maybe me and George were mad at him for a bit, but not enough to wish death upon him. 

Something has to be missing. Quackity must've misheard something. I guess I can't give George a full clear, he did sneak out with Sam. It was pretty dumb to talk about something like that so publicly. That's George for you, not exactly seeing the full picture.

I walked out of the room, shutting off the light behind me. Alone with my thoughts, I walked down the hall. I must've been so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't even hear a child run up behind me, and eventually into me. I gasped as I fell forward, hearing the other person stumble beside me.

When I looked up, Tommy stared back at me, tears in his eyes. He shook his head and took off down the hall. "Tommy?" I yelled after him. He didn't stop, so I chased after him. 

We turned the corner, me almost skidding into the wall with how fast I was going. Tommy didn't even look like he was trying with his long legs and swiftly sprinted down to the end of the hallway. I didn't see which way he turned, and by the time I got to the end of the hall, he was gone. I looked left and right, trying to decide which way to go.

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