The Blue Boy

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???'s POV

I stared right back the guards, not that they could tell. My mask, as I liked to call it, hides my face. It looked kind of ridiculous, like a child dressing up for Halloween, but it was better than nothing.

Three males, the one in the front was noticeably older and the one in the back looked like a mere child. Doesn't mean they weren't dangerous, fighting all three of them wouldn't be the brightest idea. Not that I've always been the brightest.

They started to approach me, acting as if they hadn't just stared at me for a good minute. Made sense of course, I would stare at someone who was walking around looking like this.

"Excuse me, sir. I haven't seen you around before, mind telling us who you are?" The older one asked. Not that it was a question, it was a command. I knew the rules, I had been here before.

"I'm..." I glanced around, trying to find something to call myself. Giving away my real name would not be good. Finally, my eyes landed on a jar of Skippy. I turned my head back to the three guards. "I'm Skeppy."

All of the guard's faces were full of confusion. Hell, I would be confused if a boy in a blue, box head showed up, then proceeded to say his name was Skeppy. Not a typical Tuesday.

"Ok... Skeppy, where do you live?" The middle guard said. I huffed a little, quiet enough so they couldn't hear. Can't a blue, box head get some space around here?

"I'm just visiting my mother, she lives down here. She is becoming very ill so I have to look after her." I watched the younger guard's mouth open, but I spoke before he could. "I wear this mask because I have a horrible birthmark, and I don't like showing the public. Also, asking me to take it off would be taking away my rights, so yea." I crossed my arms, a smirk on my face. The older male looked pissed, his eyes in slits. I stared into his brown eyes, glaring right back at him.

"Well, uh, sorry for bothering you, sir. We will be on our way." The middle guard pushed the oldest guard away. As they walked away, the younger male turned around and ran towards me. I flinched as he stopped in front of me, not knowing what he was doing.

"I really like your mask! It's funny!" Then he ran off, following the other two guards. I smiled, laughing a little. What a bright boy, he still had a little bit of innocence left in him.

My smile fell and I started walking again, my head low towards the ground. This kingdom used to be my home long ago, before Techno and Dream took over, together. When it was just Techno, it was kind of bearable. Back then, he stayed in the kingdom to be protected. Now, he went out on scouts for "fun". Techno's fun wasn't fun for anyone but himself.

Torture, that seemed to entertain him and his guards. Grabbing random people and torturing them, forcing them to do challenges to keep breathing. That's why no one was ever out anymore. Everyone hid in their houses, waiting for night fall. No one was out scouting during the night.

Maybe I was the same way. I didn't have a sister anymore, she was gone. Taken and tortured. And I watched, I watched her get tortured. I was only 16, I didn't know what to do. As the final blow was struck, she stared at me until she finally fell to the ground. It was horrible, watching the light get taken out of her eyes.

I didn't know why I was still here. Maybe I wanted to fix this kingdom. Maybe I could, but I didn't have many friends. Not that I talked to many people. 

I was alone. But it doesn't mean I wasn't going to try.


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