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(Just so you guys know, I've released A Single Tether on ao3! If you guys want to check it out, my user is kurozons!

The flashback Tommy will have is going to be before Tubbo is adopted by Phil. For now, he is an orphan that had been found by guards and was just being kept for now. Anyways, enjoy!)


Tommy's POV

No no no no... 

That's all I could think as I sprinted through the forest, not knowing what else to do. My previously steady hand that had been holding my shiny blade was now shaking. Every time I tripped over a rock or root, it only spiked my adrenaline. My legs carried me past each tree, around each patch of shrubbery, out into an open field.

Snow flakes landed on my hair, the golden shine looking dulled next to the snow. I ran into the middle of the open field, only stopping when a crack snapped me out of my trance. Before I knew it, I was underwater. The ice cold temperatures shocked me, all of my adrenaline fleeing my body. 

I emerged, gasping for air as my arms desperately flailed for something to grab onto. When they hit the ice that had been covering the pond, I tried to move towards it. My legs kicked and I slowly started to make my way to the ice. The whole time, my breaths quickened, fear sweeping over me. I was losing touch with my body, my legs slowly becoming too cold to operate.

My other arm got a grasp on the piece of ice and I tried to pull myself up. As much as I tried, my clothes were holding me down, not to mention the numbness I started to feel. I kept pulling until the numbness spread into my chest. Shuddering breaths left my body and I could faintly see my breath as my eyes were slowly covered in black.

"Tommy!" I faintly heard a scream. I recognized the voice, but my mind was slipping. I couldn't do anything about it. They didn't know where I was, I needed to call for them.

"Brother... brother... brother!" The words left my mouth but had no meaning in my mind as I drifted to sleep. Maybe sleep would warm me.

"Pull yourself up, soldier. Are you going to let your little brothers see you get knocked down by an old man?" I watched Phil stand over Wilbur, who was rubbing his arm. They had been training and Phil always let me and Techno watch. 

I looked at Techno, who was watching with great focus. He had a small notepad in front of him, neatly written words on it. Techno was 16, with Wilbur being 17, leaving me at 7. Sometimes being the youngest sucked, sometimes it was the best. Plus, at least I have Tubbo. I don't know where he is now, but at least someone was my age.

"No, sir." Wilbur stood up, holding his wooden blade up. It looked very ugly. When I'm older, I don't want some stupid wooden sword. I want the shiniest blade in all the land, one that everyone can see!

"Techno?" I poked my older brother. He sighed, looking over at me. His pinkish hair always had made me laugh, especially since he kept it in a braid. Techno says Wilbur always braids it, but I want to learn as well. Maybe I can have a braid as well!

"Do I get to learn how to do that soon? I want to fight big, evil villains and protect dad!" I stood up, showing off my amazing karate skills. Or, I was hoping to make it look amazing, but I ended up almost face-planting. Techno caught me before I fell, laughing gently.

"Maybe you need to learn how to stay on your feet first, Tommy." He rubbed my hair, messing it up. I hissed at him, trying to fix it. Dad's hairdresser always put it how I want it, but Techno loved messing it up!

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