Chapter 3

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Anushka's Pov:

I quietly follow behind Shriya as we walk into her house.

"Hi Anushka, hi Shriya how did the exam go," Her mom comes over to us and hugs me first then Shriya.

"It was easy Ma, we studied way too hard, as usual Anushka made me go over everything," I blush slightly as Aunty pinches my cheek and takes us into the kitchen to eat something.

"Anushka, amma you look so nice with that saree," I blush slightly and thank her.

We walk into the kitchen and grab some cookies as aunty starts making some chai for us.

"Anushka how are your parents and your sister?" I nod my head at her and smile, "They are all fine aunty." 

She nods at me. Shriya leaves the room when her phone rings, so I get up and walk over to the stove to help aunty.

Just then he walks down the stairs looking like a Greek god. He looks up at me and slightly smiles at me. 

"Don't stare at Anushka," I tell myself, "He is a player, he's just gonna break your heart." 

Just then Shriya comes saving the day, "Anna, there is someone outside waiting for you," she winks at him and pushes him out of the kitchen. 

I glare at his back as he walks out of the kitchen while grabbing his phone off the island. "Idiot," I mumble. 

I can't help but wonder who is out there for him.

"What's wrong," Shriya waves her hand in my face which breaks me out of my trance. She just rolls her eyes when I don't say anything.

"Let's go up to the balcony," she nods her head at me and we grab our chai and go up to the balcony in her room. 

I set my chai down on the little table by the chairs and lean over the balcony a little bit to see the driveway empty. 

His car is still there so he must have left with whoever came. 

I bite my lip down a little bit and feel myself getting a little annoyed. "Snap out of it," I hit myself on the head and I see Shriya look at me weirdly.

"I'm gonna act like I didn't see that, what's wrong with you," I shake my head and sit down next to her, "I'm fine."

"Um who was um here," I ask Shriya while biting my lip.

"What do you mean."

"I mean like who was here for your brother," I ask her again.

"Oooo why do you care," she teases me back.

"I'm just wondering cause now's a weird time to pick up a friend."

"It was just Rana anna, it's not like anna has any other friends," she replies back chuckling.

I giggle a little but feel relieved like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. We finish up our chai and I get a text from my mom telling me to come home.

"Shriya I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow," she nods her head at me and we walk downstairs to put our cups in the kitchen.

"Bye, aunty!" I wave at her.

"Oh Anushka, I forgot to mention it to you. On Saturday we have a small get-together at our house. You should come with your family."

Just then Ramesh's uncle walks in laughing "It's not going to be small if Nadhiya is hosting it," Aunty hits his arm playfully. I look at them and sigh, I want a relationship like that one day.

"Yes, I'll tell my parents and we'll be sure to come." Ramesh's uncle and aunty nod at me and I wave to them and walk outside. I wave an auto over to me, so I can go home.

As soon as the auto turns into my neighborhood I see my mom text and ask me where I am. I roll my eyes and just reply that I'm here.

I leave my shoes on the rack and move my hair to one side of my body. It's starting to get a little chilly outside so my hair is blowing everywhere.

I walk inside and see my dad and sister watching something on the tv and my mom cutting some vegetables and she is watching from the kitchen.

"Hi Akka," Samantha calls out to me with her eyes still glued to the tv.

"Don't you have any homework to do," I ask her as I start walking towards the staircase to go up to my room?

"Nope," she shakes her head to me and I just shake my head and laugh.

I run upstairs into my room and place my bag by my desk. 

I throw myself onto my bed and open Instagram on my phone. 

I scroll through my feed liking and commenting on a few pictures, before throwing my phone onto my bed and opening my drawer for a nightdress to change into.

I take off my earrings and change into my new pair of PJs.

They have leopard print shorts and a flowy gray graphic shirt. 

"Nice PJs are they new," Sam teases me as I come down the stairs while tying my hair up in a bun.

"Yes, you were there when I bought them, stop trying to be funny."

"They match you perfectly," she teases back, and my parents laugh with her. I roll my eyes and groan as I walk into the kitchen with my mom. 

I grab the plates from the top shelf and take out a big spoon for the rice.

"Amma, so aunty invited us to a get-together at their house on Saturday. She said to come at around 5:30 - 6." My mom nods at me and smiles.

"Yes, we'll for sure be there. I'll call Nadhiya tomorrow and ask her if I should bring anything," I nod my head at my mom. 

Thank you so much for reading!! 

Also just an fyi, "Anna" is a term that people use to call their elder brother. 

The term "Amma" is term people use to call their mother, but also adults will call their children or people their children's age that as well. It is similar to terms like "sweetheart" or "dear".  

-Ag and Sv 

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