Chapter 60

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Anushka's Pov:

I adjust the table cloth, so it rests evenly on all four sides, before clasping my hands together and looking around. I rented a small outdoor venue for Sam and Miheeka's gender reveal. I feel two arms slither around my waist and I bite down on my bottom lip and smile.

"It looks amazing, you did so well baby," Prabhas whispers to me from behind. I feel his soft breath against the curve of my neck, and his arms still holding my body close to his making me feel a lot more calm.

"I hope they like it," I bite my lip and turn to face him.

"They will, don't worry too much," He rubs the crease between my eyebrows.

"Ok," My tone is soft when I respond to him and he gives a reassuring smile.

"They should be here soon, let's go wait at the front," I say to him, nodding my head to the welcome signs. He takes my hand into his and walks behind me to the entrance where we sit on the chairs.

I sigh and look down, rubbing on the small clutch in my hands. I hear the shuffling around of the workers, helping to set all the last minute things but I just close my eyes blocking everything out for a moment of silence. I bite my lips and press my eyes closed even tighter when I feel the tears coming to my eyes, but I stop them from falling. My breathing starts to pick up, my heart beating out of my chest as my memories of the past few weeks wash over me again and start to swallow.

"Deep breathes baby, you're ok," Prabhas whispers to me, his mouth all of a sudden near my ear. I feel his fingers grazing mine as they rub against each other before he entwines our hands together in my lap. His voice is soothing and my breathing starts to slow down again as he rubs his soft, clean-shaven cheek against my tender one.

"I am here, and I will be here the whole time. I love you," His lips press onto my cheek and I open my eyes looking up at him. His face is straight, but he has a small smile of comfort on my face, letting me relax and breathe again.

"I love you Papsu," I say while leaning against him as much as I can despite us being on your chairs with a small distance between them. I give myself a few minutes to calm down, and the entire time, Prabhas squeezes his arms around me and whispers into my ear, while pressing kisses on different spots of my face. His touch, his voice, his words of reassurance are the only things keeping me from breaking down right now and I can't thank him enough for that.

"I'm ok now, I feel better," I stand up slowly and nod to him. He raises his eyebrow, but goes along with him and stands up after me.

"I think they are here," I smile at Prabhas, when I hear voices coming through the hallway which leads to the area of the party.

"Akka," Sam's high pitched voice gets closer to me as she runs into my arms and hugs me.

"It looks amazing, I'm so happy," She grins so wide, while looking at me. I keep my arms around her and return the grin.

"I'm glad you like it. Once everyone is here, we can finally do the reveal I have planned. It's not much but," Sam shakes her head to stop me.

"I love you, and you've done so much, it's perfect," She says, hugging me again. I feel her little bump against my stomach and that makes me smile.

"Anushka!" I look up to see Rana and Miheeka walking towards us, hand-in-hand with the biggest grins on their faces. Their eyes scan the room, looking around at every little aspect of the decorations.

"Hey Rana, Hey Miheeka," I hug both of them, and Rana and Prabhas share a little fist bump.

"You outdid yourself so much Anushka, everything looks so good," Miheeka gushes to me, making me get flustered at her compliments. I look to my right and see Prabhas talking to Rana and Chay, but he glances at me and we share a small smile. I look down and turn my attention back to Miheeka and Sam.

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