Chapter 47

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Prabhas's Pov:

We sit on the sand together watching the peaceful sunset for a few minutes, chatting about our marriage.

"When do you think we should plan it?" I ask her and she turns towards me, lost in thought.

"Don't you think it would be a bit selfish to get married right now. The pregnancies and everything around us is a mess right now," She looks at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Ya, so are you saying you want to wait for a year." She shakes her head at me, wrapping her arms around mine and laying her head against my shoulder.

"I'm saying we should get married. I know I want to marry you, so why wait. We can always have a bigger ceremony later, but this would just be for the two of us to make it official," She lifts her head up, her hopeful eyes looking at me.

"Won't our parents be mad?" Out of the two of us, I'm the more spontaneous one, so hearing this from Anushka is a shock to me. Obviously I would want nothing more than to marry her right now, go somewhere and get married just the two of us, but I don't want her to regret it.

She sits up straight, "We can get rings, and whatever else we need to get married at a courthouse or something. We know who our two witnesses would be, and that's it. We would keep it a secret until everything around us is settled down, but for now, this would be our secret," The last part makes me smile and I feel like I'm falling in love with her all over again. She never fails to surprise me and everyday being with her is my favorite adventure. I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with her.

"Honestly, forget everyone else, let's just go get married. I can't wait any longer," I jump off the sand, and give my hand to Anushka to help her get up also.

"We're going to get married," She mumbles against my lip while giggling as I lean her down, pulling her in for a kiss. We walk back to the car, hand in hand, barefoot with our shoes in our hands. It looks like the perfect movie scene and for me, it's our perfect scene.

"Hi fiancée," Anushka smiles at me shyly, turning to face me in the car.

"Hi beautiful fiancée," I lean over the seat to kiss her. I feel her smile into the kiss and feel the sparks flying and just as I didn't think I could be so in love with someone, but apparently god had other plans for me and here we are. I love this girl more than I could ever tell her, or even show her, everything about her makes me fall for her even more and more.

"I'll text Rana and Miheeka to come to your apartment," I nod at her, my eyes not leaving the road.

"We still have like an hour till we get home, so that should give them enough time," I turn towards her and say. She nods, not looking up from her phone as her fingers rapidly move across the screen.

Once we get to our apartment, it's almost 9:00.

"They said they will be here in 10 minutes," She throws her phone onto my bed and pushes me against the wall.

"We have 10 minutes to ourselves them," I flip us around, so I am hovering above her against the wall. She smiles looking up at me with her dove-like eyes making me go crazy. We both lean in, our lips meeting a soft kiss.

"I just can't stop looking at it," She breaks the kiss, and smiles at me.

"What me, I know," I tease her, making her roll her eyes.

"No the ring, pichi," She brings her hand up in front of her face, looking down at it.

"Oh, I think that's them," She moves out of my arms when she hears the buzzer ring. She runs out of my bedroom and to the front door and I trail behind her.

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