Chapter 14

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Anushka's Pov:

"Ughh," I groan as I push the blankets off of my body and slowly start to get up. 

I reach over to the nightstand and turn my phone on. It's still pretty early and my head is pounding. 

"I am never getting drunk again," I mumble to myself. 

"Shit," I hold my forehead and run my fingers through my hair. 

"Oh god," I groan as I start to slightly remember what happened last night. I pull my hair up into a bun and grab my phone. 

I walk out of the room and look around to see which room Miheeka is in. I walk into the room next to mine and see her asleep in there. 

"Miheeka," I whisper as she starts to move around a little. 

"Whatttttt," she groaned as she stretched her arms over her head. 

"My head," I help her get up and lean against the headboard. I sit next to her and hand her phone to her. 

"Do you remember anything," I ask her? 

"What," she turns her phone on and squints at the brightness of the light. 

"Fuck," she hits her head. 

"What the hell did we do," she looks up at me with wide eyes. 

"I know, I'm so embarrassed right now," I reply to her. We walk into the bathroom, wash our faces, and fix ourselves so we look presentable. We brush our teeth with spare toothbrushes and walk downstairs together. I don't think that Shriya is up yet, but we let her sleep, I think she was drunker than us, she just passed out last night.

Prabhas clears his throat as we walk down the stairs and Rana grins hiding his laugh.

"Good morning," Aunty gives us a teasing smile. Rana and Prabhas are leaning against the counter drinking coffee while aunty is by the stuff.

"I thought you guys might need some, extra strong today," She winks at Miheeka and me as she hands us each a mug filled with black coffee. 

"Sit on the table you two, I'm making dosa," I smile at her and sit next to Miheeka at the table. The boys walk over to the table and sit across from us with their mugs.

"So," Rana begins with a teasing look.

"Vijay huh," he smirks at me while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Ugh not this again, my head hurts too much," Miheeka replies while looking down at her coffee.

"Anushka, you never told us, who was your first kiss and when," Prabhas looks at me from across the table.

I feel my face start to heat up, "Um I was in 12th grade, a guy named Guna. We dated for a while actually, we were pretty serious, but had like a falling out so ya," I finish. 

I feel tears in my eyes a bit, but don't let them fall. I don't want to ruin my day but thinking about that. 

Miheeka hugs me. "Awe baby, he didn't deserve you." 

Prabhas looks at his plate and is suddenly super interested in his dosa and is now silent. 

"It's ok though, you learn from the past right," I cheer up as aunty comes in and puts a few dosas on our plates. 

"So Anushka and Miheeka, I think Shriya is up as well, I hear her upstairs, but why don't we have a girl's day. All four of us, we can go shopping and get our hair done maybe, I know you guys just got your nails done yesterday. Why don't the boys join as well? I mean to drive us around." 

Prabhas looks up from his plate and his eyes go wide. He turns to look at Rana who shares a look with him and nods. 

"Sure Ma, we will come along," Rana replies. 

I looked at Miheeka and bit on my lip to stop my giggle and stop myself from teasing her. Shriya comes down and joins us with her cup of coffee. 

Aunty explains to her the plan for today and she nods.

"Aunty, Miheeka, and I will go home to get our things and shower and we can meet here again at 11," I turn to Miheeka, "Does that work for you?" She nods her head at me.

We finish our food and coffee and grab our stuff from yesterday, and go home.  

That's it for this chapter... Let us know what you think. I hope you enjoyed! 

-Ag and Sv 

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