Chapter 57

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*Time skip to a few weeks later*

Anushka's Pov:

"Bye bangaram," Prabhas whispers in my ear as he kisses my forehead and leans down to kiss my stomach. I smile and run my hands through his hair.

"When will you be back from work?" I ask with a pout and he smiles.

"I will be back by one for lunch." I nod and wave bye, watching him get into the car and begin to drive away. I walk back inside the house with a smile on my face. I've taken off from work for the week so I can use some of my vacation hours before they expire, so I've been trying to do little things like move the rest of my stuff into Prabhas's apartment and start on baby shopping.

I sit on the couch and start browsing on a few websites for baby clothes. We don't know the gender of that baby yet, but I want to get just the basics and maybe a few neutral outfits.

"Ouch," I rub the bottom of my back lightly, when I feel a slight cramp like pain starting to form. I move a pillow behind my back and sit up to fix my posture, hoping it will help ease the pain.

Even after almost 5 minutes, the pain is still there, and it's moving to my lower stomach. I push the laptop onto the coffee table in front of me and get up to grab a glass of water. I lean against the counter and sip on my water, The water glass slips out of my sweaty hands as I feel a sharp pain in my lower stomach. It feels like someone's punching me from the inside. It's the kind of pain I can't even describe, worse than cramps, not like a knot in my back or anything. I feel like something is being stabbed into me and then pulled out, and all I can think about now is the baby. Tears start to slide down my face and I reach for the phone on the counter while clutching my stomach. I dial Prabhas's number, my fingers shaking as I wait for him to pick up. He picks up after two rings.

"Darling, I am kind of busy right now, can I call you later," His voice trails off when he hears me crying.

"Prabhas....." I burst into tears before I could say anything.

"What's wrong baby," His voice is frantic and I feel the background noise lessen as I assume he moves away from everyone to hear me properly.

"I'm going to the hospital, something's wrong and I'm scared. Can you please come," I say into the speaker quietly while grabbing my purse and keys. The pain has gone down a little, but it is still resting in my lower stomach.

Prabhas's Pov:

I park the car and slam the door shut while running to the front entrance of the hospital. My heart is beating out of my chest as I go up to the receptionist.

"My wife! I need to see my wife!!"

"Sir, calm down please, what's her first and last name?"

"Anushka Shetty, she's about 3 months pregnant," I manage to get out between shaky breaths. Her fingers move across the keyboard and she looks up at me pointing to go down to the first room down the hall. I sprint away from the desk without even thanking her. I open the door, panting, looking around for Anushka.

I see her laying in the hospital gown and sitting on the hospital bed. She's curled up in a ball with her hands on her stomach and her face wet with tears. I run to the side of her bed and lift her face up.

"Are you ok, why are you crying," I wipe her tears and look around the empty room.

She pulls her face away from my hands and mumbles under her breath.

"I think I lost the baby." My hands freeze on the railing of the bed. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out as I move to lean against the wall behind us.

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