Chapter 22

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Nadhiya's Pov:

I start thinking about Miheeka as I open the door to go grocery shopping. Wouldn't she be perfect for my son Rana? They look so good together, and I've seen them flirting so I know they both would agree. I push the cart towards the apples and pick a few up to put into my bag. I move the apple around in my hand to make sure it's not spoiled and put it into the cart. Then I see a woman around my age come over to the apples.

"Are you Miheeka's mom," I question her suddenly? She looks up at me and smiles.

"Yes I am, how do you know," she replies.

"Miheeka was showing me some family pictures the other day, she told me a lot about you guys," I smile.

"All good things I hope," she laughs and I join in.

"Very," I reply.

"I didn't get your name," she starts.

"Nadhiya," I shake her hand and smile.

"I was wondering if you want to go for tea after this," I asked her.

"Oh sure yes, there is a nice chair place nearby we can go there." I nod at her.

We cut our grocery shopping short and headed to the tea shop together.

"Yes, this is fine," I nod at her when she points at a table in the back.

"I hope Miheeka hasn't been too much trouble," she says to me.

"No, Miheeka is an angel, such a sweet girl and so fun to be around, the girls make me feel so young," We laugh together and we make small talk until our tea comes.

"Have you thought about your daughter's marriage, I know she is young but," she starts.

"No, not yet, have you," I casually ask.

"Yes, actually," she replies to me and I suck in my breath. I nod at her to continue.

"There is this guy. His name is Vijay and he has a successful business. His mom has been my best friend since childhood. When they came with the offer me and my husband were ecstatic."

I stare at her in shock.

She continues, "I told Miheeka about this a few months ago but she didn't say anything. I think we will go forward with this marriage as he is the perfect guy for her." I can't believe this, "What does Miheeka think about him?" 

She pauses a second, " Well, I haven't exactly heard her opinion. We know what's best for her, plus they were best friends when they were kids." I get up and say I have to go. I cannot believe this girl. Just a few days ago she was flirting with my son. How could she get his hopes up high when she is getting married to someone else. I take my phone from my purse and dial her number. 

She picks up after a few rings, "Hi aunty," she says sleepily. I tell her to come to my house in five minutes and to my surprise, she agrees and comes very quickly. She rings the doorbell and I observe her outfit. 

She was wearing a yellow and red kurta with palazzo pants. I wonder what the occasion is because her hair and makeup are done and everything. 

"Hi, is everything fine aunty?" She questions as she takes off her sandals and comes inside. I take her hand and lead her into the office room.

"Sit down Miheeka," she nods and sits across from me. She pushes her hair away from her face and looks at me to continue.

"I met your mom today at the store, we got some tea afterward," I started.

"That's nice aunty," she smiles at me and folds her hands in her lap.

"I found out some interesting news about.... Vijay," I look up at her. Her face has lost color and she looks down at her lap.

"What is this Miheeka, I see the way you and Rana talk and I know you two aren't close, but why are you getting his hopes up, making him believe he has a chance." I take a deep breath not to yell at the girl in front of me. 

Hope you all enjoyed! Let us know in the comments what you think

- Ag and Sv

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