Chapter 83

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Miheeka's Pov:

"Careful baby, she's still very little," I push Krish's hand away lightly as he puts his hand a little roughly onto Mira's face. He's almost 4 years old so he's just getting out of his toddler phase and his prying hands will grab anything he can touch just to see what it is, even if it's his baby sister.

"I wanna hold Mira," He shakes my arm, pouting with a whiney voice. I shake my head, looking to my other side when I feel the bed sink, and familiar scent clouds my nose.

"Krish, are you giving Mumma a hard time?" I smile at Rana who reaches out to poke Krish's stomach making the little boy laugh and reach out to do the same to his dad. I smile looking between the two of them as their playful relationship comes out, teasing each other and making each other laugh constantly.

"No, he's not. He just wants to see his sister right, Krishy," I say in a high-pitched voice, smiling when he nods up and down multiple times before turning to look at me. I reach my hand out to push his wild hair out of his face before I cup his cheek grinning proudly at him. 

As he gets bigger, he's only growing to look more and more like Rana. The same hair, same face structure, even the same nose! Watching him do things on a daily reminds me so much of Rana, just the way he walks or looks down when he's listening to something he's bored of hearing.

"Are you tired," Rana whispers to me, making me look up from Mira who Krish has on his lap, and shake my head at him.

"I'm ok."

"I'm excited for everyone to come." Rana kisses my head, before resting his on mine as both our eyes fall onto the scene in front of us.

"I am too. They are all so excited to see Mira, and you of course."

"I know." I smile back up at him, kissing his cheek before carefully reaching out to take Mira back onto my lap and letting Krish look at her from there.

"I feel bad for making them wait but," I just cover Rana's mouth, not wanting to hear anymore.

Mira and I were in the hospital for almost an extra hour due to my fluctuating health and Mira's need for extra time in the ICU. We are all good now, Mira is doing a lot better and I am now recovering as well. 

After getting clearance from the doctor, we got home and got settled before having more people around her. It's been almost 2 weeks now since I've saw anyone but my parents and of course the four of us. 2 weeks seems a long time and it really is, but one of those weeks we were at the hospital and the extra week was just as a precaution as babies do get sick really easily and Mira was already a little weaker than normal babies.

"I'm sorry." I didn't stop him from talking because I'm mad, I just don't want to hear the same words of advice that we would rather be safe than sorry followed by a pitiful sorry. Those two weeks proved to be nice for my body to recover to the point where I can move around easier and get dizzy less often.

"It's not that I'm mad, I know what you're gonna say." He rests his forehead on mine, letting me take in the pinewood scent of his shower gel and the smell of the minty detergent from his shirt.

"Mumma look," Krish calls out to us, pulling us away from each other and to the discovery he made. He points at the writing of Mira's name on the bottom of the pink blanket she's wrapped in, making us smile at each other.

"It's Mira!" I lean out to squeeze his cheeks, rubbing my head against his happily.

"I wanna play now," He quickly moves his arm out from underneath hers before he scoots to jump off the side of the bed. Rana just shakes his head at how quickly he jumped from being with Mira to wanting to do his own thing and I just roll my eyes, so used to this by now.

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