Chapter 45

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Samantha's Pov:

I barely got any sleep last night, my body still feels numb. My thoughts are jumbled, my mind all over the place and I still don't want to believe what the results said on the test last night. I wish I could just go back in time, erase everyone Chay and I did. As much as I love him, I'm not ready to bring a baby into this world and raise it, give it a proper home and life, so I need to make the decision that is best for us. I can't help but feel jealous of Miheeka. She is older, has a stable job, and is capable of raising a baby. I wish I could say the same about myself.

Since the test came out positive I have been telling myself that it's not true, that a test could be inaccurate, I mean there's just no way; we were always so careful.

"Ready," I nod at Anushka and get into the back seat of the car as we drive to the doctor's office in silence. I wish Akka would say something, her silence is killing me. As much as she has been supportive, I know there is only so long before her protective side comes out.

"Miheeka, I'm going to go with Sam, is that ok," Miheeka nods at Akka who walks with me to our assigned room.

"I'm scared Akka," I admit out loud, biting my lip to hold back the tears.

"It's going to be ok, you'll be ok," She rubs my arms as I sit on the little bed in the room waiting for the doctor to come in.

I feel my heart beat start to get faster as the doctor comes in and Akka explains what happened yesterday. The doctor tells me to lay down on the bed and lift up my shirt.

"This will be a little cold, just warning you," I nod at the doctor. Akka walks over to me, and holds my hand, standing next to me on the bed.

I look up at the screen in the room, not able to understand anything that Akka and the doctor are talking about. Medicine is Akka's realm of expertise so I'll let her do the talking.

These past few minutes have been the longest few minutes of my life and when I hear the words come out of the doctor as well, that's when I know it's true.

"Well, it is true. Congratulations, you are pregnant!" My toes curl up in my shoes and I feel my breakfast rise up in my throat. I can't do this, I can't be pregnant. I need to go and get rid of this baby before I'm too far along. I feel my eyes prick with tears as the doctor talks to Akka about everything I need to know and hands her a packet of information as well before she leaves the room, ending the appointment.

"Akka," I get up on the bed, pulling my shirt down over my stomach.

"My baby sister is going to be a mother," She chokes out a sob, putting her hand on my cheek. She leans over and pulls me into a hug resting her head on mine.

"It's going to be ok, I'll support you no matter what," I nod as she rubs my hair.

"Come on, let's go," She pulls me out of the room, and we walk over to Miheeka's room, waiting for her appointment to end.

As soon as we see the doctor leave, we raise up off our seats and walk into the dark room.

"Miheeka," Akka immediately walks over to her.

"It's true, I am pregnant," She breathes out, looking over at me too.

"The tests were right," I say quietly, looking at her, not able to say anything else. Miheeka widens her eyes.

"What? Sam." I look down, nodding with embarrassment. I hear her and Akka whispering for a second, before they both walk over to me so we can leave together.

I walk to the car behind them, and wait in silence till we figure out what to do next.

"Can you drop me off at home, I just need some time to think and get myself together," She points at her face while talking to Akka.

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