Chapter 36

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Anushka's Pov:

"Stop it Prabhas, are you a kid," I say to him, frustrated. It's been almost 3 days since I've been discharged from the hospital, 3 days since the incident. I am able to walk around fine now, I just have a boot so I don't put direct pressure on my foot.

I'm helping Prabhas clean his wounds, which he doesn't want to do, claiming, "He's fine", but it won't heal properly. He has a few scars on his face which will scar if he doesn't take care of them.

I sit next to him on his bed, and use a cotton ball to start cleaning his knuckles. I bite down my lip when he curses in pain from the burning. I feel tears coming to my eyes all of a sudden when I realize he's in this position because of me.

If I had just called the police, he wouldn't have had to come to himself and he wouldn't have gotten hurt. I didn't have time to call the police though, I wasn't even thinking straight when they were near me. I just called Miheeka knowing her office is nearby. I figured she would call the police and bring them, but she showed up here.

"Miheeka," I whisper to myself, lost in thought.

"What," Prabhas says looking up at me.

"She showed up like some hero, why wasn't she using her brain," I suddenly say out loud. Prabhas's eyes go wide at my sudden outburst and he stands up next to me.

"Bangaram, calm down please, what's wrong," He rests his hands on my cheeks and turns to look at him. His eyebrows are scrunched up as he is looking at me with concern, and I frown when I feel the badges on his hands.

"Whatever, I will see you later." I say to him and peck his cheek, lost in thought. I ignore Prabhas calling out my name as I rush downstairs and run into my car.

When I get into my car I click on Miheeka's contact and call her.

"Hi, Anushka," she says in a sleepy voice. I look at the time on my phone, and see that it is ten pm.

"I was taking care of Prabhas's injuries," I said to her while putting on my seatbelt.

"Mhm," she replies. I drop the nice act and just get straight to the point because I am so mad I cannot contain it.

"You're so dumb. When I called you, you should have thought it through and brought some other people, even called the police."

"What!?" she says through the phone.

"I came all the way there as soon as possible after seeing your messages," She says.

I roll my eyes and scoff. "Well, you clearly did not do anything." I say, my voice getting a little louder.

"All you did is make it worse," I add. I hear her gasp.

"I called Prabhas and he helped us. I got myself into that mess while trying to help you," She says, I hear her tone increasing.

"Why the hell would you call Prabhas? You would call the police or something because they would know what to do. My poor boyfriend is now hurt and can barely move his hands and has scars all over his face," I yell into the phone now.

"Oh my god. Who is the one who thought it was okay to be walking by herself at night." Miheeka says shouting as well.

"My car is actually in the repair shop right now, so I had no choice but to walk, otherwise why would I," I say to her, getting a little defensive.

"Why didn't you ask for a ride, you know so many people who couldn't have dropped you home," She says back to me.

"I didn't want to disturb anyone for a ride, especially when my house was so close by," I reply. We are both screaming at each other at this point.

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