Chapter 29

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Renesmee's P.O.V

When I got to my house at the cottage, I pulled in, and Isaac pulled in beside me. I then turned off the car, grabbed my bag, and exited the vehicle. I turned to his car and saw him getting out of it. In shock, he raised his gaze to my house and then shifted his eyes to meet mine.

"This is where you live?" Isaac asked.

"Yeah. I know it's weird, but I grew up here," I responded.

Isaac nodded his head.

"Well, we should go inside," I said.

"Okay," Isaac said.

We headed inside my house, and I saw Jacob on the floor with Sophia as she played with her toys. Isaac closed the door with a loud bang. Jacob looked at both Isaac and me, his face curious. Sophia glanced at Jacob, then followed his gaze. Sophia's face lit up, and she ran to me.

"Mommy!" Sophia yelled.

I wrapped her in my arms, hugged her, and picked her up. "Hey, baby," I said.

Jacob stood up and approached us. He asked, "Hey, Nessie, who is this?"

"You don't remember?" I asked.


"Okay, well Jacob, this is Isaac, the guy I met at the beach last year."

"Oh yeah, I remember you."

Jacob turned to him with an expressionless emotion.

"And Isaac, this is Jacob. He's the one I talked to you about," I said.

Isaac's eyes widened. "Oh yeah, she talked about you. Nice to meet you," he said.

They shook hands, and they stared at each other. I couldn't tell if Jacob was mad or happy because he wouldn't show it.

"Well, we should head to my bedroom. I will tell you there." I said.

Jacob put his hands in his pockets and asked, "Tell him what?"

I sighed and looked at Sophia. I said, "Hey, Sophia."

Sophia glanced at me and said, "Yes, Mommy."

"Go play with your toys? I have something I need to do."

"Okay, but will you play with me later?"


I set her down, and she ran back over to her toys.

"So..." Jacob said.

"I hum..." I said and looked at Isaac. "Hey Isaac, can you meet me in my bedroom? It's down the hall."

"Yeah, sure," Isaac responded.


Isaac departed, and I redirected my attention to Jacob.

Jacob crossed his arms. "Nessie, what is it?" he asked.

I pulled Jacob into the kitchen. We stopped in there, and I turned to him.

"I have to tell him about me," I responded.

"What? You can't do that. What about the vampire thing with the Volturi?" Jacob asked.

"I know, but I must inform him, or he will discover it himself."

Jacob sighed and asked, "Why now?"

"Because he asked me out, and I said yes," I responded.

"Okay, and when is this?"


Jacob sighed and said, "Okay, but don't tell him about me."

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now