Chapter 23

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Renesmee's P.O.V

The following day, around 2 am, I awoke to the sensation of steady breathing and a warm arm embracing me. I looked down and saw Jacob beneath me, the memory of yesterday flooding back. This brought back memories. The intensity of his lovemaking left me breathless. I cannot ever forget my first time with him.

I traced my fingertips along his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my touch. Then I glided my hand down to explore his sculpted abs and toned torso before gliding back up to his chiseled abs. I heard him let out a soft moan. The gentle rustling of his sheets muffled the sound. I glanced down at Jacob and saw his eyes opening.

I smiled as Jacob spoke. "Morning."

"Morning," I said.

Jacob embraced me, stroking my arm to comfort and reassure me. He asked, "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby,"

"That good,"

Jacob leaned over, his warm breath tickling my skin, and I met his lips with mine. He kissed me for a second, then broke the kiss to kiss my neck. As he did that, I realized I needed to relieve my bladder.

I pushed Jacob onto the bed, causing him to fall back with a thud. As I crawled out of bed, he grabbed my arm, stared at me, and asked, "Where are you going?"

When I looked at Jacob, I saw tiredness in his eyes. "I have to use the bathroom and check on Sophia," I said.


Jacob's fingers unclenched from my arm, setting me free. I stood up, grabbed a robe, rushed to the bathroom to pee, and then hurried to check on Sophia. I walked over to the crib and saw her awake this early at night. She beamed, her eyes lighting up with joy as she looked up at me and cooed in delight, kicking her legs. She then stretched her arms towards me and picked her up, and as I did, I realized she had grown some. I should check with my grandpa about that.

"Hey, baby girl," I said.

Sophia cooed again, smiling—Jacob's right. Sophia has a strong attachment to me.

Reaching for Sophia, she gripped my fingers. "Wow, you've gotten stronger!" I exclaimed, surprised by her grip.

A pungent odor caught me off guard, and I realized it was time for a diaper change. I picked her up and placed her on a baby table. I removed her diaper, wrapped it in toilet paper, and threw it away. I then took wipes from my cabinet and wiped her bottom.

"Goodness, baby. You stink. I must have forgotten to change you before I spent time with your father," I said.

It was time for her to understand that Jacob would be her father.

I dressed Sophia after changing her diaper. Then I picked her up, carried her back into the bedroom, and placed her back in the crib. While I did that, Sophia's small hands grabbed onto my robe, her cries echoing in the room.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" I inquired.

Sophia kept tugging at my robe, and I glanced down to see what she was after. She wanted me to breastfeed her. I settled into the chair and adjusted my robe, uncovering my chest. Sophia latched onto my breast and began nursing.

Once she finished, I wiped her face clean, cradled her in my arms, and tucked her into her cozy crib. I then grabbed Jacob's t-shirt on the floor and put it on where it is now hanging below my legs, covering every part of me. I put on underwear and then climbed into bed. As I did, I felt the bed shift and an arm wrap around my waist. The arm drew me closer, and Jacob's eyes held an unmistakable lustful expression. "You look sexy in my shirt," he said.

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now