Chapter 18

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Jacob's P.O.V

It has been a week, and it's New Year's Eve. Renesmee wanted me to keep my distance. Patrolling was slow, so I spent a few days with Embry and Quil at the beach.

Embry and I perched on a tree branch as Quil splashed in the water. Embry gazed at me, worried. "Hey, what's up? You've been down since Renesmee's call," he remarked.

"I'm worried about her," I responded.

"Why don't you go see her?"

"I can't see her. She won't let me."

"Oh. Hum, how about we get in the water? It will make you forget Renesmee."

I nodded and said, "Alright."

We got into the water and swam.

Mason's P.O.V

A couple of days later...

Since I left Renesmee, I have been thinking about her. Since she is pregnant, I felt worse about leaving her like this. She wouldn't accept an apology for what I did. I bet she hates me right now. I walked through the mansion and into the kitchen to hear my mom cooking.

"Mom," I said.

"Yes," Mom said.

"I have to do something by myself."

"And is it?"

"I have to see Renesmee and apologize."

Mom stopped and looked at me. She said, "Son, you're not going back to Forks, and besides, I bet those Cullens saved her and took her home."

"Wait, the Cullens came to Italy?"

"Yeah, I heard."

"Oh, so they're back?"


"Then, I'm going back to Forks."

"No, you can't. Plus, Renesmee won't forgive us for what we did."

"I know. I still have to apologize."

"Then I'm going with you."

"No, mom, I messed this up. I should fix it by myself."

"Okay, fine."

"Thanks, mom."


I walked out of the room and walked to my bedroom to pack clothes for when I leave tomorrow.

Renesmee's P.O.V

A couple of more days later...

It had been almost two weeks. My stomach looked more prominent. I have been pregnant for eight weeks. My body was making changes, and I was getting side effects daily. I have stretch marks all over me. My skin was darker in certain areas, especially my face, like the cheeks, forehead, nose, and upper lip.

My mom came in, and her face showed surprise. She asked, "Sweetie, do you notice how bad you look?"

"Thanks, mom. It really lifts my spirits," I quipped.

"I didn't expect you to have my appearance during pregnancy, but it's not as if you would resemble me."

"I know, and I don't know what's happening to me. Is this supposed to happen?"

"Yeah, but since you're carrying a half-vampire baby, it grows faster than you think. You are likely at week thirteen by the end of the week."

"What? I cannot be that far. I still have not decided whether I want this baby."

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now