Chapter 1

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Stop! Only go further once you read this!!!!! You must read A Different Side of Twilight Breaking Dawn before starting this story because you will need clarification and have questions at the beginning. If you choose not to read it, well, good luck.


Renesmee's P.O.V.

It has been four years since the entire vampire and werewolf feud with the Volturi, and I've grown. It has been a strange experience for my family since I already looked like a teenager. Walking down the hall, I heard my mom talking to Dad in the kitchen. She said I was growing up too fast and would soon start dating. I walked over to the couch and sank into the plush cushions, feeling its softness against my skin. My mom joined me. She said, "We need to talk."

"What's up, mom?" I asked, feeling bothered. I'm not into complex talks right now.

"We have noticed that you're getting a lot older now, and we want to put you in school a year before your fifth birthday."

"What? I can't go to school. Wouldn't that be strange? Wouldn't people notice?"

"Sweetie, not at all. No one will notice changes as you stop aging in three years."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, sweetie."


"But what concerns us is that you're at the stage of being a teenager and desire to engage in activities like dating."

"Mom, if you worried about Jacob and me, we're friends, nothing else."

My dad chimed in while I chatted with my mom. "Do you feel it's more than friendship, though?" he inquired.

"Well... I do like him. I always have, and it's weird. Sometimes it freaks me out. I have never liked a guy like this. He is everything I have always wanted in a man. He's sweet, kind, caring, and protective of me, and that is what you want in a relationship," I said.

My mom sighed and said, "That is what I meant. You're getting too close to Jacob."

I looked down at my hands and observed the chipped nail polish on my fingertips. I can't help but feel like I'm feeling. It happened. I felt a solid connection with Jacob and wished to be with him.

My mother lifted my chin, encouraging me to make eye contact. "Has he discussed the reasons behind your emotions, dear?" she inquired.

"No," I responded.

"Well, you're getting to that age where you need to know, and your bond with Jacob can be a concern. So he needs to tell you."

"Oh, okay."

"Well, how about you run off to your bedroom? Your dad and I need to talk."

"Okay, I'm going to my bedroom to watch T.V. because I have nothing to do."

"Alright, sweetie."

I got off the couch and heard it creak in the muted house. Then I walked to my cozy bedroom down the lit hall. I closed the door as I entered, creating a muffled thud that echoed through the room. I lie down on my pillow after turning on the T.V.

After thirty minutes, it turned dark. A banging noise echoed outside my window. My fear arose because no one had ever visited my window at night. When I glanced out the window, I found Jacob there, which surprised me. I went to the window, released the lock, and invited him in. He climbed into the window with a swift motion, his footsteps resonating in the bedroom.

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now