Chapter 41

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Renesmee's P.O.V.

We reached the apartment after twenty-five minutes. We went inside, and Jacob smiled, holding my hand. We proceeded down a hallway and halted at the entrance. Using his keys, he unlocked the door. He allowed me to enter, shut the door, and locked it after him. As I entered, my gaze turned to the left. A tiny kitchen contained cabinets, a stove, and various other items. The kitchen door led to the laundry room. Next, I continued exploring the apartment. I discovered a dining room filled with tables. I moved to the living room next to the dining area, with chairs, a couch, and a T.V. in front of the wall. I looked at Jacob and grinned. He smiled and reached for my hand.

"Come on. I want to show you my room." Jacob said.

We entered the bedroom next to the living room, where I noticed a bed of king-size proportions.

"This is our place," Jacob stated.

My eyes become larger in astonishment. The room was spacious. I went to a walk-in closet.

"That's where you can store your clothes," Jacob explained.

I nodded. I turned to Jacob, who approached me.

"What's the bedroom across from yours for?" I asked.

"For guests," Jacob responded.

"Have you?"

"No, I have dated no one since you."

"Really, wow."

"Yep, there's no one else I want but you."


Jacob nodded.

I smiled and pecked at his lips.

"Are you hungry?" Jacob asked.

I nodded.

"I'll order pizza," Jacob said.

"Okay," I said.

Jacob planted a kiss on my forehead before exiting the room. I sighed, sat on the bed, and stroked my hands. It's hard to imagine this will be my home again in two years. Sophia will be opposite ours, down the hall in the living room.

I glanced at my phone and saw another text from my mom.

Mom-Where are you? You won't see Jacob anymore. We'll come for you and leave.

Me-No, because, like you said, I won't get to see Jacob again.

Mom-Tell me now, or you're grounded.

Me- You can't ground me if I'm not there.

Mom- Renesmee, I mean it.

Me- Why should I? You won't let me have what I want.

Mom-Yes, I do. I do so much for you.

Me- I know, but right now, you're not. I want Jacob, and I don't understand why I can't have him.

Mom- Because you're not ready to date him yet.

Me- Mom, I am ready. Why can't you see I love him?

Mom- Can't you come home, and we can discuss this?

Me- No, because I don't trust you. You'll force my return, but I refuse.

Mom- What about your daughter?

Me- Get her a plane ticket. I won't be coming back until I'm with Jacob.

I checked my phone, anticipating her response, but there was no reply. Jacob entered and sat beside me, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "What's wrong?"

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now