Chapter 40

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Mid-September, two years later...

Renesmee's P.O.V.

Countless events have transpired in the past two years, and I live with the Denali family. I started attending a new school. I befriended Alexis Cole and Katie Malone. When we first met, they supported me through my breakup with Jacob and everything. I told them about Sophia as well. Sophia was okay with the relocation but desired a father, so Mason joined us. He moved to a bedroom and assisted me with her for several years.

Last week, I celebrated my seventeenth birthday. Once again, my new friends have organized a large birthday celebration for me. Unfortunately, this is the last celebration here. Tomorrow, I'll be going home for good. Moving on, I made my way into the kitchen. Everyone was leaning against the counter. Sophia and Mason were together at the table. They are playing a board game. I smiled, and Mason and Sophia smiled back at me. Sophia is now twelve, so I've taken on the role of homeschooling her.

I looked at my mom and asked, "So, mom, we are moving back tomorrow, right?"

Mom gave me a look like she was keeping something from me. She glanced at Dad, then at me. I looked at them with curiosity. "We are moving back, right?" I asked.

"No, sweetie. We are going back, not moving back." Mom responded.

"But you said yes..."

"I said we were going back home. I didn't say we were moving back home."

"What do you mean? You mentioned our move two years ago, and it has been two years since."

"Our minds have changed, and it's better to stay here. Besides, you're happy and doing well here."

"Yeah, but I miss home, and I miss Jacob. You guys promised."

"I understand, but it's best to avoid him at the moment. Besides, you're not eighteen yet. Even if you see him when we return tomorrow, you'd fall back into his arms and do bad things again."

I'm so mad; I can't believe my parents are doing this to me. I waited two years for Jacob and haven't dated or kissed anyone to save myself for Jacob. He's my true love, and I want to be with him.

"Why are we going back, anyway?" I asked.

Dad replied we should drop something off and visit our family.

"Oh." I said.

I rolled my eyes, went to my bedroom, and shut the door. I collapsed onto my bed, tears streaming down my face. A knock interrupted me at my door.

"Who is it? If you're my mom or dad, please go away!" I yelled.

Sophia spoke behind the door. "No, but I'm your daughter. Can I come in?"

I said nothing, and Sophia came in. She walked over to me and sat on the bed. "Mom, are you okay?" she asked.

I turned around and sat on my bottom. "No, Sophia, I'm not fine. Don't you see I want to be alone?" I asked.

Sophia gave me a sad look and got up. "I'm sorry I bothered you and horrible to you. I want to help," she said.

Sophia walked away, but I stopped her because I felt terrible. "Wait!" I said.

"What?" Sophia asked.

"Come here. I'm sorry."

Sophia paused, then broke into a broad grin. Then she walked over and sat down with me.

"Okay," Sophia said.

"So, do you want to know what's wrong with me?" I asked.

"Yes, I didn't listen to the conversation because I was absorbed in the game with Dad."

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now