Chapter 2

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Renesmee's P.O.V

The next day, I went hunting for the first time since my parents thought I was ready to hunt alone. As I left through the front door, I sped up to 50 miles per hour using my vampire speed and dashed through the forest. Then, I heard something and stopped. Hiding behind a rock, I gazed up. A deer stood before me. The deer looked up, and I crouched. My mom taught me the best way to hunt is to be silent.

The deer moved closer to the rock, and I jumped out and grabbed it. I held it down and sank my teeth into its neck.

Finishing my meal, I cleaned my face, seeing Jacob's smirk. "Good job on your first solo hunt," he complimented.

Jacob's abrupt arrival startled me, causing my half-human heart to race. "Jacob, how did you find me?" I inquired.

"Your mom told me where you were?" Jacob responded. He looked stern and said, "Renesmee, we need to talk."

"Hum, okay.."

As Jacob took my hand, a familiar tingling sensation surged through my body. I didn't quite understand it, but I loved the feeling it brought. Jacob felt it, too. He reacted and glanced back at me. We exchanged smiles.

We then walked to the meadow, where the vibrant colors of wildflowers greeted us. We were about to sit down when I tripped over a flower. Jacob caught me, grabbed my waist, and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at Jacob, stunned.

Jacob laughed and said, "You're becoming like your mom."

Jacob's statement left me feeling confused. "So, you're saying that my mother was clumsy?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"Yes, when she was human," Jacob said. "Not anymore, though, you can see."

I nodded.

Jacob sat on the soft, green grass, his curious gaze fixed on me. "Did your mother ever tell you about the time she almost died?" he asked.

"I felt so bad about it, but I knew she risked her life to have me," I responded.

"I didn't think your mom made the right decision to marry a vampire. I have told her to choose me, but she never listened."

Jacob's face scrunched up in a frown, and he looked away, avoiding eye contact. He had some powerful emotions tied to my mother. I couldn't resist asking, "Wait a minute. Do you have feelings for my mom?"

"Yeah, a lot. My crush on your mother grew stronger. I wanted to love her, but it hurt when she married your father." Jacob responded.

"Did you ever kiss her?"

"Yes, twice. The first one was worse because Bella punched me, but the second one was good because she wanted me to kiss her."

I chuckled.

Jacob looked at me, puzzled. He inquired, "What's so funny?"

"You got punched in the face."

"Yeah, I was trying to get her to confess her feelings for me."

"Did it hurt?"

"No, werewolf, remember? But she broke her hand."

I disregarded my wide eyes and inquired, "Did you still love Bella after her honeymoon?"

I nodded. "I thought Edward would hurt her on their honeymoon, but she got sick when they returned. When I went to Cullen's, I found out instead that she was pregnant with you. So I am relieved but angry with your father because he got her pregnant." Jacob responded.

"So, what led to you falling out of love with her?"

Jacob sighed, looking at the tall trees. "It's a long story," he hesitated.

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now