Chapter 21

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Jacob's P.O.V

I awoke to the gentle warmth of the sun's rays streaming through the window. It appears we slept all day. Renesmee's peaceful sleep filled the room with silence. She emphasized her beauty while she slept. I stroked her face and looked down at her stomach. I lifted her shirt without waking her. Her stomach had transformed overnight. It became flat and unblemished. No stretch marks or bruises were clear. I pushed her shirt back down and saw that she was still asleep. As she slumbered, I rose from the bed, only to have a firm hand seize my arm. I turned around to see her wide awake.

"Where are you off to?" Renesmee inquired.

"I'm getting Carlisle. I'll be back." I responded.

Renesmee nodded, releasing her grip on my arm, and I exited the bedroom, searching for Carlisle. I walked through the house to the kitchen and saw Esme and Carlisle. Bella saw me as I passed the living room and approached me. "Jacob, how's Renesmee?" she asked.

"She is great. She's doing well." I responded.

"How's her stomach? Is it healed?"

"Yeah, and it's amazing how her stomach size returned to its pre-pregnancy state."

"Yeah, it's for being a half-vampire. It happened to me, too, when I became a vampire."

I nodded my head.

"Well, I'm going to see her," Bella said.

"Okay," I said.

Bella left the room. Carlisle looked up at me. I headed to him. He asked, "Hey, what's up, Jacob?"

"You should go check on Renesmee now that she's awake," I responded.


Carlisle walked past me. I followed behind, trying to match his fast pace. We reached the bedroom. I saw Bella talking to Renesmee. They sounded like they were laughing. Carlisle walked into the bedroom. I smiled in the doorway. They kept talking. Renesmee looked at me with a sly smile when they finished talking. Bella noticed Renesmee staring at me. She glanced back at me, curious. She asked, "What's going on?"

"Nothing. We're glad things are better now," I responded.

"Yes, so where is my baby girl?"

I walked to Renesmee's side and sat down.

"She's with Rosalie. She is bathing her." Bella responded.

Renesmee asked, "When can I see her?"

"Soon, but you need to rest," Bella advised.

"I'm fine, mom. See."

Renesmee yanked the covers off her body. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She attempted to rise but stumbled, losing her balance. I ran to her side and caught her.

"It doesn't seem like it, Renesmee. Feeling good doesn't mean you can walk. After having a baby, you can't walk. You can walk tomorrow," Carlisle explained.

"That's all day. I don't want to stay in bed. I'd rather hunt and see my daughter," Renesmee shared.

I sighed. "Can I bring Sophia to you later?" I asked.

"And if you're hungry, I'll fetch you some blood," Bella offered.

"Okay," Renesmee said to both of us.

I set her back on the bed, and then Bella walked out to get blood, and I sat beside her. Carlisle left as well.

"You need to rest, Renesmee," I told her.

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now