Chapter 13

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Renesmee's P.O.V

I was so mad. I can't believe Jacob did this to me. I thought I trusted Jacob, and because of this, I thought he was my best friend. Now, I will never see Mason again.

As I walked over to the window, I noticed someone approaching. Ignoring my parents calling my name, I rushed out of my bedroom and burst through the door to find Mason.

"Mason!" I yelled.

I ran into his arms and hugged him. Mason hugged me back. He said, "Hey, Renesmee."

I heard footsteps echoing behind me, and I turned around and saw my dad. He had his arms crossed and was scowling. "Mason, can I talk to you inside?" he asked.

Mason looked at my dad. He said, "Sure."

Mason gave me a quick once-over before strolling past me and disappearing inside with my dad. I followed behind as they walked into the living room and sat down. Dad looked up at me, his eyes filled with seriousness. He asked. "Hum Renesmee, can you go into your bedroom as I speak to Mason alone?"

"Hum, sure,"

I walked to my bedroom but then stopped and leaned against the hall. I listened to their voices on the other side of the wall.

"So Mason, I want to talk about last night's date," Dad mentioned.

"What about it?"

"Where did you take Renesmee out?"

"To a Christmas party."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, we did."

"Wouldn't you bring a gift if you did?"


"Well, why are you lying to me? I already know you lied about the party."

"I'm not lying."

"Yes, you are."

"How do you know?"

"Because my daughter told us."

"Then, if you know where we go?"

"You went to an actual party."

Mason examined his hands. He knows they won. I regret telling them. "Okay, I took her to a party," he admitted.

"Where else did you take her?" Dad inquired.

"I took her to get ice cream, then took her home."


"Well, are you done?"

"No, I heard you kissed her."

"Yeah, so."

"On her first date?"

"Yeah, people kiss on their first date."

"Well, in this house, I don't want Renesmee kissing anyone on her first date."

What! It's unfair because I should have the freedom to kiss a guy whenever I desire. I entered the living room from behind the wall. "That's so unfair, dad. I never agreed on that," I said.

"First, you should have been in your bedroom instead of eavesdropping. Second, you live under this roof and follow my rules!" Dad yelled.

"Well, I don't want to follow this stupid rule."

"If you don't, you shouldn't live under this roof."

"If you feel that way, then I shouldn't."

I rushed out of the living room and into my bedroom. I grabbed a bag and put my clothes inside it. After that, I gathered everything else I needed and left my bedroom. I took Mason's hand and said, "Let's go, Mason. We're leaving."

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now