Chapter 34

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Five days later...

Renesmee's P.O.V

Today is Monday, January 5th. It is also almost Jacob's 22nd birthday in nine days. This isn't good. I must decide what to give him. I want to give him the best gift ever, far superior to the current girlfriend he's been with for three months. Arianna De Rohan is her name, and she lives in La Push. Jacob mentioned encountering her at the beach, but let's focus on the gift. I am still searching for the perfect one. I need to consult my mom since she knows him. When I entered the kitchen, I spotted my mom preparing a snack for Sophia.

"Hey, mom," I said.

"Yeah, Renesmee," Mom asked.

"I need to talk to you."

My mom placed the snack before her and sat opposite her. I positioned myself between the two of them as well.

"What about?" Mom asked.

"Well, you know Jacob's birthday is next week?" I asked.

My mom looked at me with curiosity. "Yeah," she said.

"I want to give him something amazing, but I don't know what."

"Oh well, did he tell you what he wanted?"


"He wants nothing. He didn't ask for anything. Let it be from the heart if you wish to give him something."


"Yeah, Jacob's different. He'll love anything you get him."

"Okay, thanks, mom."

"You're welcome, sweetie."

I stood up and felt Sophia tug on my shirt.

"Yes, Sophia," I said.

"Can I see Jacob today?" Sophia asked.

Did she assume I would visit Jacob?

"Sophia, I will not see Jacob today," I said.

"Why not?" Sophia asked.

"He's busy."

"With what?"

I didn't have an answer. Jacob was with Arianna or on patrol. I sighed and looked down at her. "Hum, Sophia, tomorrow," I said.

"No, mommy, I want to see him today," Sophia whined.

"Why, baby? Why do you want to see him?"

Sophia has been hanging out with her dad, Mason, often. Unfortunately, he had to leave yesterday. Now Sophia wanted to meet up with Jacob.

"I miss him," Sophia responded.

I sighed. "I do, too, but we can't always see Jacob," I said.

"Why not?"

I let out a sigh. I had no words for Sophia. She needs to be ready to learn about today's mythical creatures. She doesn't have any knowledge about Jacob or me at that point.

"Sophia, I told you he's busy. If you ask again, you'll be going to timeout!" I yelled.

"Fine," Sophia said.

Sophia stood up and hurried to our bedroom. When I glanced at mom, I saw amusement twinkling in her eyes.

I looked at my mom with curiosity. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm amazed at how well you do, mother Sophia. You are better than I ever was," Mom responded.

I sat back down. "No, you were great. You did a lot for me," I expressed. "I wouldn't be who I am today without you."

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now