Chapter 42

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Renesmee's P.O.V.

We arrived there after one hour. We stepped off the motorcycle and unfastened our helmets. Jacob hung the helmets on his bike after taking them. I gazed at the house, standing still. I'm so nervous about what my parents will say. What if it's a trick? Or what if they impose restrictions on our actions together? I can sense Jacob's nervousness as he tenses up beside me. Jacob held my hand, gave me a small smile, and we went inside, heading upstairs. We heard people talking when we rushed upstairs and entered the living room. Anxious, Mom and Dad sat on the couch. I inhaled before entering. Our presence caught their attention, and they looked towards us. Their expression was severe and devoid of emotion. We approached a seat opposite him and took a seat. Jacob desired a positive reaction from them as he kept his distance from me. Silence fills the air, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. No one spoke, so I talked to them.

"So, what's the deal? You guys said we could be together but on one condition?" I asked.

"On the phone, we gave in because we know you're stubborn and won't give up on being with Jacob. But we have one condition we want you guys to make," Mom responded.

"And is it?" Jacob asked.

"We don't want you in a serious relationship with Jacob until you turn eighteen. You're not an adult yet. I want you guys to take it slow."

My eyes widened. I thought it would be something worse. "Okay," I said.

"What?" Mom asked.

"I'm okay if I can be with Jacob. After that, I don't care."

My mom gave me a surprised look. She asked, "You're okay with this?"

"Yep." I responded.

"That's great. And what about you, Jacob?"

"Yeah, if that's what Renesmee wants. I'm shocked you're even forgiving me for what I did," Jacob responded.

Mom sighed, glancing at Dad and then Jacob.

"We forgive you, Jacob. It's fine. We know it was all Renesmee who got you into this mess," Dad said.

Jacob nodded. "Thanks, Edward," he said.

"You are welcome," Edward said.

I looked at Jacob with a smile, who smiled back at me. I desired to embrace and kiss him, but not before my parents, yet my mother spoke. "Well, we'll let you guys celebrate."

Mom and Dad stood up and exited the living room. The moment they departed, I couldn't resist leaping into Jacob's arms, filled with joy. He embraced me, returning my hug.

"Yea! I'm so happy we get to be together," I said.

"Me too," Jacob said.

We hugged, and then a realization struck me. I had longed for Jacob to do it again. I pulled away from him to speak. "Jacob,"

"Yeah," Jacob said.

"Mark me."

"What? No, we can't. If I mark you, your body will go into heat, and I'll have to finish the mating process, and I can't do that. So we have to take it slow."

I thought about the mating process. If we start part of it, we have to finish, and we can't do that, but I want Jacob to mark me as his. I want to show everyone that I'm his.

"But when are you planning on doing that when I turn eighteen? I want to be yours soon and the world to know I'm yours." I said.

"I don't know, but when it comes, it comes," Jacob said.

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now