Chapter 39

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Renesmee's P.O.V

The following day, I found myself with arms embracing me. I lay on my side, with my arm embracing Jacob's waist and my head nestled against his chest. While I looked at Jacob, he was asleep. I stroked his face, which was smooth, like a baby's bottom. I know it sounds absurd, but it's true. What did he apply to his face?

I attempted to escape his hold and use the restroom, but he was too strong. Despite my attempts to wiggle free, he tightened his hold on me. God, he has gotten possessive. I guess it's because we mated. On mating, what is our plan? We can't let our parents find out.

I kissed his lips, hoping to get out of bed. Since he didn't move, I kissed and nibbled his neck instead. His arms loosened around me, and he smiled in triumph after flinching and moaning. I left my bed and went to the bathroom.

Upon completing my bathroom routine, I inspected my bare body and fixated on the hickey on my neck. Oh no, my parents might discover this. I have to take care of that. Jacob was sleeping when I left the bathroom, so I grabbed my clothes from where we left them and got dressed. I then went back to bed and climbed in to wake and shake Jacob, but he remained motionless. I kissed him, but there was no outcome. I realized he was dreaming, which led me to another idea. I leaned over him and planted a kiss on his stomach. Then I moved down to his manhood, grabbed it, and stroked it. Jacob's groans confirmed the success of my plan. I put his manhood in my mouth and gave him a blowjob. I heard him groan and saw him waking up when I looked up. I halted and ascended to his chest, causing him to grasp my hips. I glanced downward and saw his eyes opening, exposing his stunning brown eyes, a smile formed on his face.

"I could get used to this," Jacob teased.

I shook my head as I hit his chest, and Jacob laughed.

"So, how did you sleep?" I asked.

"Good. I had an amazing dream, though." Jacob responded.

I smirked. "Was it about me?" I asked.

Jacob looked at me, surprised. "How did you know?" he asked.

"Lucky guess," I responded.

Jacob grinned, pulled me closer, and kissed me. Our kiss lasted a minute, and then he squeezed my butt, which made me squeal. Jacob intensified the kiss. He moved his hands beneath my shirt, tracing circles on my stomach with his fingers. Again, electric sensations surged through me, causing a moan.

I broke the kiss, and Jacob smiled and said, "l love you."

"Same. I love you too, but you should get dressed. I need to check on Sophia," I said.

Jacob gave me a pouty face. He asked, "Ahh, can you stay a little longer?"

"Nope, I'm not taking the pouty face."


I smiled. "Good," I said.

I kissed his stomach and lips before getting up and taking my phone. I checked my missed calls and text as I walked from the bedroom to Sophia's room. Mom called many times and sent a text message asking about my whereabouts. Chloe texted me yesterday asking why I didn't attend class. She inquired about my absence from school this morning. Shit, I have to go to school then. I texted Chloe back.

Me- I'm with Jacob, and I won't be coming to school today.

Chloe-Okay, I was so worried about you. Your parents called, asking about your whereabouts, leaving me without words.

Me- I'm sorry. Well, I should call my parents and tell them.

Chloe - Okay, well, bye.

Me- Bye.

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now