Chapter 9

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Renesmee's P.O.V

The next day was when they came. I'm nervous about meeting the vampire family and hoping they'll like me.

Jacob has been by my side since the Creightons arrived. He has to follow me everywhere I go, whether in my bedroom, kitchen, main house, piano room, or living room. It's getting annoying. I like his company, but sometimes I want to be alone.

This afternoon, before they arrived, I took a shower, dried off, and put on a casual black flowery dress. I then used my curling iron and curled the ends of my hair. I then added a little mascara. After I finished, I opened my door and walked out of the bathroom. Jacob was in my bedroom on my bed, waiting for me to come out. He glanced at me, and his eyes went wide. I felt uncomfortable when Jacob scrutinized my appearance.

Jacob stood up from the bed and walked towards me. He said, "Wow, you look..."

"Amazing, I know. Aunt Alice picked it out."

"Well, she did well. You've never looked better. You should do it more often."

"I'll think about it."

Jacob smirked.

Right before we left, Jacob held my hand. That familiar, electrifying feeling rushed through me. I know he felt it because he tensed up a lot. He pulled me close to him, and my heartbeat picked up. Our faces were inches apart, and I looked down at his lips and wanted to kiss him. What is nerve-racking is that I have kissed no one before.

Jacob moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer, and my hand touched his chest. Our noses touched, and I sighed. Should I do that? I like or might even love him a lot, but I don't know. It's the way he makes me feel. No, I shouldn't be thinking about the L word yet. We aren't in a relationship yet. I shook it off and went for it. I collided my lips with his, sensing sparks scattered everywhere. I moved my hands around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. His tongue asked for entrance, and I let him. I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged on it, and he moaned, tightening his grip on my waist.

After a minute, we pulled away to catch our breath, and Jacob leaned his forehead against mine. "That was our first kiss. I've been eager to do that for a while," he expressed.

I nodded. I said, "And my first kiss."

Jacob looked at me and smiled. He then grabbed my face and kissed me again. I melted into this kiss this time.

Jacob moved back. He said, "I'm happy to be your first."

After our kiss, I smiled and ran my hands down Jacob's chest. "Let's go," I suggested, catching my breath.

Jacob held my hand and said, "Yeah."

As we left my bedroom, I said to him, "Jacob."

Jacob opened the door. He said, "Yeah."

"You were my first kiss, and it was amazing, but we can't do it again. Not for a while, at least. I'll be in trouble if my parents find out," I said.

Jacob sighed. He admitted, "I understand and agree with you. It won't occur again."

"Good," I said.

Jacob's P.O.V

We walked to Cullen's house, and I smelled something. Vampires. I pulled Renesmee close to me as we reached the house.

"What's wrong, Jacob?" Renesmee asked.

"I smell vampires," I responded.

"It could be my family."

"No, it's a fresh scent. I recognize it. The bloodsuckers are here."

"The Creightons are here already?"

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now