Chapter 43

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Renesmee's P.O.V

Eighteen minutes passed, and we arrived at the forest, which had a trail. Jacob guided me down a path to the beach, unlike the one Jacob and his friends visited.

"What beach is this?" I asked.

"It's the Third Beach. Lots of people come here to party," Jacob responded.

I nodded, and Jacob exited the car to open my door. I went, and Jacob reached for my hand. We saw many people dancing as we walked along. My eyes were wide open in astonishment. "Wow, this is..." I said.

"I know, but you'll be fine. Stay with me," Jacob pleaded.

"I wasn't planning on leaving you."


We made our way towards the shoreline. Once we reached the sand, I removed my shoes and left them with the others. Next, I went to where the crowd had gathered.

I started feeling uneasy as we made our way there. Memories of the last party with Mason resurfaced. At last, we came to a halt amid the crowd, and I caught sight of Embry and Hannah. I didn't expect her presence, but being Embry's imprintee, she's here with him. Hannah looked back, and her eyes grew wide.

Hannah came over to me and hugged me. "Hey! You're back," she said.

I hugged her back. "Yeah. Also, Jacob and I can be together now, but we must take it slow," I said.

"Oh, at least you guys can be together."


Embry approached us and gave me a thorough look. "It's nice to see you again," he said. "You look."

Jacob growled and pulled me close to him. I laughed at his possessiveness.

Hannah coughed. "Remember me," she said.

"Oh yeah," Embry said.

Embry brought her in close and planted a kiss on her cheek. Hannah reacted with an eye roll while I burst into laughter. Those are adorable.

"So, are you guys pretty serious now?" I asked.

"Yeah, he asked me to move in with him," Hannah responded.

"Are you?"

"I don't know. Embry said I was supposed to, but it's too soon."

"Yeah, as third in command, I require Hannah's constant presence. It would be more convenient if she lived with me," Embry stated.

I nodded. Jacob placed a hand on my waist. "Someday, you will reciprocate," he stated.

"What? You want me to move in with you?" I asked.

Jacob nodded, and I smiled. I would love to move in with Jacob if I could.

"Anyway, I want to have fun with my girl," Jacob said.

Jacob dragged me to the dance floor. Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars started playing. I became enthusiastic. I pressed my body against Jacob, moving closer, while he placed his hands on my waist. Hannah and Embry joined us and danced nearby while Jacob pulled me close as we danced.

Once we finished dancing, we strolled away from the crowd. It left me pondering our next activity.

"So what is the other surprise?" I asked,

Jacob smiled and grabbed my hand. "Come on," he said.

We departed the party and headed towards the beach.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere private," Jacob responded.

We made it to a cave. I looked at Jacob with curiosity. "Another cave?" I asked.

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now