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The next day I woke up feeling really tired and worn out. 

My eyes felt heavy and puffy. 

It didn't feel all that great honestly. 

I had to get ready for work. The job that I didn't enjoy. 

I walked up to my dresser to get some clothes and saw the ripped picture of me and Jean. 

I got myself upset but then thought about what Levi had said last night. 

That I should get rid of this stuff since it would make it easier. 

I know there was no way out of this marriage. 

I had that opportunity a while ago yet it failed. 

I would have to just come to terms with it. 

I don't have to be happy about it, I don't have to be head over heels for Levi. 

But I do have to accept that he will be my husband and we are expected to get along. 

At least for the cameras and press. 

I got my clothes together and headed for the bathroom so I can take a shower. 

I was stopped in the hallway by my dad. 

"You're not coming into the office today. Levi is going to come and pick you up. He said he wants to talk to you about a few things." He said sounding almost robotic. 

Levi was coming by? 

But why? 

Should I text him? 

Would it be simpler to just talk about it over the phone? 

I wouldn't want him to waste gas by coming over here when these matters can be handled over a phone call. 

I sighed and said ok to my father and still headed to the bathroom. 

I was still upset that my dad had struck me yesterday. 

Especially in front of Levi. 

I used to get struck every now and then when I was younger but never in my recent years. 

Not even when I almost left with Jean. 

They both sort of just made me feel terrible emotionally and made me feel like a terrible person. 

I quickly showered and got dressed into my work clothes I had gathered before being told I didn't have to go into the office. I decided I was going to change into something different. 

Maybe a little more simpler if I was just going to be going out with Levi. 

After I changed into simpler clothes, I texted Levi. 

{Me- Hey Levi. It's Y/N. My dad said that you were going to be stopping by today. Is that necessary or do you think matters can be handled over the phone?} 

Were either of my parents going to be staying home today? 

I assumed both of there were going to be in the office today but since Levi will stop by today maybe one of them will be here. 

But I don't really know. 

What if it really is only me and Levi? 

Not long after I heard my phone buzz. 

{Levi- I want to discuss it in person. I'll see you around 11.} 

Well, that gives me quite a bit of time. It was only around 8:30 in the morning. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now