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Levi POV

I had left Y/N in the bedroom because I had to go talk with my mother as to why Y/N would be staying with us for a few days.

"I'm glad I got to meet her. But please don't tell me you were the one that made her cry." My mother started as I entered into the kitchen. 

"No I wasn't. I was 10 minutes away from her house on my way back here and she called me upset saying she wanted to get away from that environment." I said to my mother. 

"And what happened there? After you left I mean." 

"Well, I told her parents that I am giving Y/N complete control over planning the wedding. Ultimately they agreed, I wanted her to plan it the way she wants it to be, no influence from her parents. Then I get a call from Y/N crying and I go and pick her up. The bastard smacked her. I already threatened last time to pull out of the agreement. This is the second time I know of him doing something to her like this." I said starting to get pissed off. 

"Well Levi, they're her parents. If they want a say they can have a say." My mom said softly to me, in an attempt to calm me down. 

"They've controlled every little thing in her life. She deserves the wedding she wants before being forced into a miserable marriage that we both don't want to be in." I said to her. 

"I really don't think you should be meddling with the way they raise her. I don't agree with her father laying her hands on her, but its the dynamic that they are used to maybe. I mean you don't know, what if they have trouble getting to her at times. Like when she almost ran off with another boy." My mom still sounded calm and collected. 

This conversation was just pissing me off. I just have to deal with Y/N getting his and that she lives a miserable life in that house?

I'm not going to just accept that and let it happen. 

"I can't just let her be miserable in that house!" I was beginning to raise my voice. 

My mothers face switched to a very stern one. 

"Levi you are just going to have to deal with it. There isn't anything we can do and you sure as hell aren't going to be the one to pull out from the deal." She said sounding almost cold. 

"How the fuck am I supposed to put up with that? It isn't fair to her!" I shouted loudly. 

I know Y/N heard that from my bedroom. 

"Watch your tone with me young man. We all live miserable lives at one point. She'll be out of that house soon. For now you have to deal with however her parents are treating her because she is still under their house. Just like you are under this roof. I will not tolerate you speaking like that in my presence. I raised you to be much better than that." She said with a little malice in her voice. 

"Deal or not, I am getting her out of that house and into somewhere better. She just wants control of her own life." I said with irritation in my voice and I headed towards my room. 

Once I entered Y/N looked both frightened and upset. 


She looked down to the ground. 

"Hey, if your mom doesn't want me to stay here I can just go-" She began but I cut her off.

"That's not it! Fuck!" I said. 

That isn't it at all. 

I got frustrated and grabbed a water bottle I had in my room from last night and threw it at the wall and saw that it burst open from how hard I threw it. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now