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In the early morning of the day, I brushed my teeth, I made my lunch, I fixed up the couch as well. 

I put the blanket back into the closet but the front door.

I still needed to shower but I didn't want to go into our bedroom to get my clothes. 

I shouldn't be acting like a child. 

I live here too. 

I can go into our bedroom and get the clothes I need to shower. 

Its better than walking around here naked. 

Cause if I were to do that then it would just lead to a bad argument. 

Or it'll get awkward and the tension between us would go down. 

Let me not knock on the door in case that wakes sleeping beauty. 

I entered and saw that he was sat up in the bed and on his laptop. He didn't make eye contact with me. 

I went to the dresser to get my necessary undergarments and then into my closet so I could get my business attire. 

There were no words exchanged between Levi and I. 

The room did feel tense though. 

I wonder if he was still going to be taking me to work. 

I don't drive so I sort of depend on him when taking me to work. I don't mind walking to the local stores, but I can't work to my office building. 

I showered and didn't play music this time because it was still early and didn't want to disturb any of the neighbors. 

I got out and headed to our bedroom once more to drop my dirty clothes into our laundry bin. 

"It's about time you're out." Levi said with irritation. 

I am not continuing my day with this attitude. 

"What in the absolute fuck is your problem?"

"Now you want to talk. How nice of you." He said with a fake smile. 

"I only woke you up early that's it. I didn't do anything else." I was beginning to get really frustrated with Levi. 

"Shut up. I need to shower." He said passing me. 

"I hate that I enjoyed yesterday." I said with malice in my voice. 

"You were the only one that enjoyed it." He said and then went into the bathroom with a slam to the door. 

That one hurt. 

I don't know why. But it did. 

Usually when we aren't arguing we are both enjoying our time. 

We never say it but we look out for one another like he said yesterday. 

Maybe that's why it hurt.

I just wanted to resolve what had happened. 

I began to cry at what occurred. 

I'm aware I cry a lot. 

It just happens a lot. 

And to think I was actually feeling comfortable here and opening up. 

I went to my jewelry box and pulled out a necklace and earrings. 

In that jewelry box I kept the picture of me and Jean in there. 

It's moments like these that make me wish I was married to him instead of the asshole who is showering right now. 

I couldn't help but cry even more. 

Just when I think things are looking brighter, something terrible happens and then things seem to be back at square one. 

I put the picture away and got my things situated that I need to take with me to the office. 

Levi came into the bedroom and looked at me with a cold stare. 

"You are always crying." He said. 

"And you're always an asshole." I said to him between sobs. 

"I'm calling Eren to take you to work. I'm not dealing with this right now." He said going for his phone. 

Dealing with this? 

He believes he has to put up with me. 

Last time I checked, I had to put up with him as well. 

"Don't bother. I'll get there on my own." I said. 

"Go ahead then. That rids me of one worry already." He said and didn't turn to look at me. 

I began to cry even more. 

I really don't get why he is being so mean right now. 

If I had done something I would want to know. 

If it is about waking him up then what else was I supposed to do. 

I don't feel motivated to go to work now. 

I really don't get him. 

I went into our closet and got a pair of gym shoes. 

I'm walking to this damn office if I need to. 

Or maybe I'll call my parents and say that I won't be able to go in and that I'll make up that day next week. 

Maybe I can walk to the pet store to calm down.

I decided that was what I was going to do. 

I wasn't going to tell Levi I wasn't going to work. 

Maybe I can go sit in the park for a bit and decompress and then go to the pet store to look at the guinea pigs. 

I'll have to call my parents though. 

"There is a packed lunch in the fridge. Help yourself." I said to Levi with a monotoned voice. 

Then I walked out of the apartment and towards the park. 

Maybe that little bakery is open right now. 

Maybe I can get a muffin or a churro. 

I walked by the bakery and it was indeed open. 

"Good morning hun, I remember you, you came in with that young man the other day... Hey are you ok? You know it is too early in the morning to be crying." She said with the brightest smile then turned into a concerned look.

"I'm fine. Just had an argument with that guy." I said. 

"Well, did you need to talk about it?" She asked kindly. 

"I think I am ok for now. Thank you though Ms..."

"Please, call me Historia." The lady behind the counter said with a sweet smile. 

"Historia. It is nice to meet you, I'm Y/N." I said with a sad smile. 

"It's nice to meet you as well Y/N. Are you sure you don't want to talk about what happened though?" She asked sounding a little concerned. 

"I'm sure. Thank you though I do appreciate it." 

I only grabbed a blueberry muffin. 

I went to the counter to pay. 

"Don't worry about it hun. I just hope you feel better." She said. 

"No I couldn't." 

"Ms Y/N, I won't accept any cash from you. Take that muffin as my way of hoping you feel better." She said to me. 

"Thank you." I smiled at her. 

We spoke for a little longer. 

Then I was on my way to the park.

It was nice to be able to talk to someone other than Levi for once. 

Someone I won't argue with. 

It was a nice change. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now