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Levi should be arriving home soon! 

He promised that we would take Pepino to the park together for him to get a little bit of exercise! 

I'm so excited to do this!

Maybe Pepino will lead to Levi and I bonding with one another. 

At least I hope it does. 

Things haven't really been tense between Levi and I since we got Pepino just because one of us is constantly watching him. 

So there is quite a bit of time where we are away from one another because of Pepino. 

It has been challenging honestly, but we seem to be doing a pretty good job nonetheless. 

Pepino does listen to Levi just because he raises his voice when he is doing something wrong along with slamming his hand on something. 

I've been attempting to do the same thing but it seems that slamming my hand on something seems to be working better for me. 

He loves to play and since he is still small, we can just sit on the floor and play with him. 

We don't need to chase him yet or really throw anything for him at a larger distance. 

I've finally seen Levi and Pepino play together as well the other day. 

I was sitting on the couch admiring them. 

Levi wasn't doing much but his focus was completely on Pepino in front of him. 

He would push him back, to the side, get his little toy and tease him with it. 

It was quite a sight to see. 

Once Levi noticed I was staring, he didn't want to play with him anymore. 

I was caught in thought until I heard the front door opening. 

"Where is the little one??" I heard none other than Hange yelling. 

"Shut up 4 eyes, you'll disturb our neighbors." Levi said entering along with Erwin. 

Hange found me on the floor with Pepino and came to us. 

"Little Munchkin Hello!!" Hange said to Pepino. 

She began to pet him and coo at him. 

He took that as a sign to play and was a little riled up. 

"Well hello to you too Hange." I said to her. 

"Yeah hi." She said quickly and went back to focusing on Pepino. 

I decided to get up and greet Erwin. 

"Erwin, welcome. This is your first time here right? What do you think of the place." I asked him point around the room. 

"Hello Y/N. It really is looking lovely. I'm enjoying what you are doing with the place. Levi mentioned that you two had a new puppy and are going to the park today. So he invited us along." He said with a smile at me. 

"Thank you thank you. I'm not the only one that has that decorative sense. Levi has it in him as well. And yes we are going to the park today, I'm glad you all are able to join. The more the merrier." I said smiling back at him. 

"Y/N what's his name??" Hange called out to me. 

"Hange! Hello! How are you? Nice of you to join us on our journey to the park. It means so much to-" I began to say sarcastically but she cut me off. 

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