Chapter :-1

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Hey guys wassup. This is my first fanfiction so pls bare with me and pls send some idea for more and amazing new chapters.

Location:- Cameron palace, Rota Kingdom

A certain raven haired boy was looking at the moon outside the window filled with sadness and despair. a mouse with yellow furr and zigzag tail approach him and sit on his shoulder and snuggling his cheek and looked him with a worried face. Which made the raven haired smiled a little bit.( he put his hand on pikachu's furr and rubbed it which made him cooed with pleasure)

Ash:- hey Pikachu it's nothing. Just thinking about past.( He says while a tear escaped his eye)

Pikachu:- pika pi pika kapi Chu( ash I know what you are thinking I feel the pain that you feel but we just can't focus on past WE HAVE TO MOVE ON.
Btw ash could understand Pokemon language because of his aura ability)

Ash:- I know Pikachu but. The more I try to leave it behind the more it haunt me back more and more...( Ash says on the brink of crying)

As he says this he felt a hand on his shoulder which was none other than by his aunt/sister Ileana

Ileana:- ash I know it's hard to move on after Delia death and what you have gone through.but you have to move forward ( she says trying to comfort ash)


Ash and Pikachu was running from there way to pallet town to his home.
Ash:- Hey Pikachu c'mon let's race to home( he said in his usual enthusiast way)

Pikachu:- your on ash( Pikachu says while jumping from Ash's shoulder and using quick attack to win the race)

Ash:- he groans and says "this is not fair"

Pikachu:- Hey this is my trait ( Pikachu says with a cheeky smile)

they reach ash's home, ash opened the door and yelled "mom I'm home" ash was greeted with a bone crushing hug from her mother Pikachu already knew what was to happen so he jumped off ash shoulder ( smartpants😏)
"Mom.......can't......breath.... air" he managed to say. Then her mother loosen her grip and look at her son who was now a champion. Then she says "welcome back my champion" ash just sheepish rubbed the back of his head.
Then Pikachu jumped on Delia shoulder and snuggle with her. She giggle on Pikachu's action.
"You both must be tired so go to your room and freshen up then come for dinner" she said and Pikachu and ash jump from excitement to eat his mom food after so long. Then both trainer and his best buddy run to their room and freshen up and head down stairs to eat dinner. They were eating and ash was telling her mother how much he had fun in alola. He made new friends . Made new rivals . But most importantly he won the league. That moment was perfect. But then comes the worst part. Their door bell ring "I'll check that" Delia said. When she opened the door she saw tall man around 6feets he saw Delia asked her "is this ash Ketchum house" he asked then ash comes from behind and say "yes that's me what do you want" as ash finished saying that the man grope Delia and put a knife on her throat seeing this he run for his mother's life but then that man spoke "this is because of all the things you did which stop us TEAM ROCKET from succeeding" he said in a cold tune that could send shivers down the spine. As ash saw this stopped in his track saw that man and said " what do you want you have problems with me please leave her alone I'll never do that. I'll never stop you please leave her please. Ash begged him to leave his mother but he...........killed her without mercy and ash who was seeing this wasn't able to control his power he send an aura wave which knocked him out then he walked over his mother lifeless body and he was just staring her like she just jump up and say it's all a joke but it wasn't,it was his worst nightmare from which he can't escape frome from
Pikachu walked over him with tears in his eyes as he aslo consider Delia as his mother cause most of the ash Pokemon consider that. That was the day he spent his night alone in the house that was the day he felt that bitterness of the world on that day he cried whole night untill there was no water in his eyes.

Next day the funeral was conducted. all were present there from champions to his old Campanians they all were trying to console ash. But ash he was sitting there lifelessly.

After one week,
Ash was sitting in professor oak ranch with his Pokemon and Pikachu in his lap. He was still recovering from what happened but now he was in better condition than before. He was sitting running his fingers through Pikachu's furr. But then he felt warmth of two hand embracing him he felt the feeling like he was with his mother. But when he looked who was embracing him he was a bit surprised that Queen Ileana was hugging him. When Ileana saw ash in a bit surprised then she said " I heard what happen with your mom and that's why I'm here to take you with me to our real home" ash was a bit taken back from what he heard and special the part real home. He was so consufe so he asked her what she meant by "Real Home". Then Ileana explained it that his father was the king and mother the queen of rota when they heard that Delia was pregnant with ash they decided that they will not live palace so that you become a spoilt brat( pointing to ash). She continued, they decided to come to pallet town that people here don't know much about them and people here are very good. Because of this they came here to live instead. Ash was process everything he heard just now that his parents becoming king and queen and stuffs.

"That means I'm the price of rota" he says in astonishment
"Yes and now it's time to go back, where you truly belong".


Yo guys this is your author here. Hope you like the first chapter and pls let me know In comment section how many mistakes I did ..... I didn't say them when I completed this chapter I just posted it.
And pls if Any of you guys have inspiration that how more amazing things we can do I upcoming chapters pls tell me

Ok, so
Singing off

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