Chapter :- 5

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Yo boys and girl, here is your author and I'm here to announce a amazing news. WE ARE IN 22ND PLACE FOR AMOURSHIPPING TAGS. AND THIS BOOK HAS ASLO CROSSED 250 VIEW.
Well I know this is not much, but this is my first book, and in my first book I'm getting this kind of rating, really guys im crying in happiness.
Well now let's get to the topic where we left.

It was the time of mid afternoon but a certain raven haired sleepy head is still asleep. but to disturb his sleep he heard a scream and a *thud* sound which usually come when something fall. Because of that sound that raven haired got awaked and a sigh escape his mouth with words "now what mess have you created". With this he move out from his bed and moved towards the living said "now what you have-" before he could complete his sentence he's eye fall on a  angry yellow mouse and a girl with honey blonde hair but covered in soot from head to toe. Ash understood what happen and what was that scream. So he walked over Pikachu and asked him "why did you shocked her" in calm yet anger manner. In rely the mouse said "hey, it wasn't MY fault I was sleeping peacefully but SHE came and SAT on me and that's why I shocked her." A sigh again escape his mouth after hearing Pikachu's explanation and then he walked over to that girl "Hey are you all right" he asked in concern. They both waited for few minutes but the girl didn't answer it. That only mean that the girl is now fainted so ash picked that girl up in bridal style and lay her on his bed.after few minutes of time she woke up.

Serena pov

"Where am I" she asked in bit dizziness from shock earlier . Then she remembered it all.
"Oh.... I was shocked by pikachu... But what WHY IM ON BED. I remembered when he shocked I fall on floor but" as she was talking to herself she heard a man speaking
"Pikachu you know it's not right to shock someone like that out of the blue. So for punishment you will not have Ketchup for whole week.(hearing this Pikachu was very sad and begging him to reduce it) seeing this Serena felt guilty that because of him that poor Pikachu is getting punishment. So she move out from bed and made her way to to living and said
"Hey it's ok, actually it's not his fault I sat him that's why he shocked me so you shouldn't punish him" she said and just after hearing this Pikachu jump on Serena shoulder start nuzzling her cheek

Ash pov

I was scolding Pikachu when I heard a girl speaking " Hey it's ok, actually it's not his fault I sat him that's why he shocked me so you shouldn't punish him" said the girl who was covered in soot few minutes ago and hearing this Pikachu just betrayed me and jump on her shoulder and start nuzzling because of which she giggled a bit.
"I'm really sorry that Pikachu shocked and btw how are you now" I said in apologitoc tone.
"I'm good now and pls don't be sorry, as I said it was my fault, I mistakenly sat on him, so no need to worry btw I'm Serena Yvonne from vanivilli town in kalos"  she said in energetic tone.
"I'm ash from kanto( Pikachu jumped on ash shoulder)and this my buddy Pikachu" I said.
After hearing name "ASH" she started staring on me intensely so me and Pikachu felt a bit awkward so we said her. "Uh... Excuse me Serena is there something on my face you've been staring me for a while" I said nervously. Hearing this she blushed from embarrassment and hide her face in her face after a few seconds she said "I was starting because your name and your face kinda feel familiar. Have we met before"  she said still her face hiden in hair. But now I see her and I also kinda feel a bit familiar about her but I just shrugged it off and said "yea I also feel a a bit familiar with you but I don't think we have met before as I have just arrive in kalos from kanto ."  She nodded in my explanation. After the explanation her stomach growled. "I guess someone is hungry" I said in somewhat joking tone. But just when I finished my line my stomach growled louder than snorlax which made her giggle.
"I guess we both are hungry so why don't we go to canteen and grab something to eat"she said. "There is no argument in that" I said approving her idea and with this we made our way to canteen just to be greeted by some.....................

familiar faces.............



Yo guys hope you all like this chapter. So don't forget to vote and also lemme know what would be reaction of other seeing ash in the university.... Let me know in comment section.
Well, now take care

EN signing off.

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