chapter : 3

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Hey guys  let me clear few thing that ash have all the legendary but he will but use it unless he really badly need it. Huh, but he will always have few legendary but, I will not tell which. Let me know comment section which legendary would you guys use if you were to choose. so let's continue where we left. Now flashback of ash past had ended let's continue from where we left in chapter 1. Let's get goin' 🤠🤠

Last time we left where Ileana was talking to ash.lets continue.

Ileana:- ash listen i have thinking about this for a while that you should go to a Pokemon university and it might help you get over your past and make some new friends.(she said in a comforting tone)

Ash:- I think you are right sis.(he said after thinking for some time)

Ileana:- ok so that university is in kalos named KIP(kalos institute of Pokemon). It give classes for some important subjects like Pokemon history, maths, english and one special class in which you could choose whether you will take part in battling, performance and coordinating......... And for your suprise all the champions are teacher there and your friends Brock and Gary is also there.(she says in manner to cheer up ash)

Ash :- are right but sis I was thinking to participate in kalos league. But if I stayed in university how will I able to participate in league.(after brief amount of thinking ash answered her)

Ileana:- if you want to compete in league there is no problem because you will have weekend off and holidays in which you could collect gym batches and participate in league and you could also become part of school battling team.(hearing this ash and Pikachu jump in excitement)

Ash :- this is awesome sis. I wil definitely go to KIP.( With this ash hugged his mother like sister)
Ileana giggled at his reaction.
Ileana:-  so go back to your room and sleep tight because tomorrow on Saturday you will go to kalos(ash nodded and went back to his room to sleep)

Next day

Ash woke in morning and start doing his daily morning routine training with his Pokemon. after intense training session ash goes back to palace and took his shower and then went to dining area to eat. There he saw his sister eating, He sat in the seat and start eating his breakfast and Pikachu eating his food dipped in ketchup.

Ileana:- ready for a new start ash

Ash:- yep! We are born ready right buddy( he says with a smile and ask his buddy who also jump in excitement)

Ileana:- ok ash pack your stuff, today is Saturday. Today you should go there and do the formalities then take rest on Sunday because University will start on Monday. You could leave in your private jet when your done packing

Ash nodded and went to his room with Pikachu and start packing. When he done packing he came out to find Ileana standing there waiting for him and then after small chit chat they left for ash flight. Ash wished Ileana good bye and went in his private jet.

(Let's skip to plane landing)

Ash saw plane landing so he decide to wake Pikachu up. Which went well as Pikachu didn't shock him. Then ash put is feet on kalos land and shouted "kalos ash Ketchum is back" " pika pi(yea...)"
Followed by pikachu. Then they took a taxi to KIP. They were on there way to  KIP, on the way he heard a buzzing sound which was from his mobile. He saw it was call from Ileana. He talked to her. It wasn't a long talk they just talk about that they are here safe in kalos and now heading to KIP after that they ended the call. Suddenly Pikachu jumped on ash head and start seeing the view ash joined him and saw that they are in university campus. Ash get out of taxi with Pikachu and gave taxi driver his fare. Then he made his way to receptionist and ask her about his dorm and his schedule. But then he heard a voice.
"Marvelous ash or I should say's great to see you here " said prof.sycamore
"Yea it's great to see you again prof.sycamore and pls call me ash "  said ash rubbing back of his head sheepishly
"Are you here to take admission here??" Asked prof.
"Yep!! I thought I should try something new btw do you know where is principal office I need to take my schedule from there" said ash while rubbing Pikachu's cheek
"Marvelous ash....  Great. Btw the principal of the this university is me"said prof.

Ash got stuck there in shock.same with Pikachu. Prof.scyamore chuckled at this and said"c'mon I'll give you your schedule and show you around the university"
Ash nodded and followed prof. From getting is schedule to university the end of tour prof. Showed ash his dorm."This the whole tour for university.hope you like it"prof. Said
"Yea it's amazing. I'm amazed that you had done this much all alone" said ash in suprise
"Here you are wrong ash I didn't opened it alone. It is done with the help of kalos champion diantha who is also university director"prof. Said correcting ash.
" now  I think I should take my leave I'm kinda tired"ash said in somewhat sounding tired.
"Yea... You are right you should now take rest. Now I should also take my leave. Take care ash....oh..  and pls be present in Monday's morning there is a special assembly for all the new student be sure to attend it" said prof.
"Ok prof. I'll keep that in mind"said prof.

Then ash entered his droom it was somewhat normal. One living room with a Kitchen. But there was two bed which means he will having a roommate.
With that ash made his way to bed with a very tired Pikachu sitting on his shoulder. They both jumped on bed and slept like there was no tomorrow.....


So guys this is for now. Stayed tune to find out how story take place in future....

EN now signing off..
Take care, guys😊😊

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