Chapter : 18

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Yo guys this is your author here. Here I'm gonna time skip to weekend where our heroes are planning to meet serena's mother Grace. I hope you have read the notice that I posted before this chapter. Because if you don't read that notice you will not be able to read this and  next chapter.... that was all I need to say.
So let's get going...

Serena POV

It was night time. Me and ash was packing as we would leave for vineville town to meet my mother. But this is making my heart race.
"Ash tomorrow we are gonna meet my mom. I'm kinda nervous" I said while shaking.

"C'mon don't worry. It all gonna be fine" ash said with a warm smile which melts my heart. But I know after sometime that smile is gonna fade away...

Then we went to sleep. After sometime when ash was sound asleep and there was no chance for him to wake up soon. Then I moved from bed to balcony to make a call.
"The object is ready. I have gathered the information needed and we will now proceed to the main phase. Be prepared" I said to phone. Then I heard
"Roger ma'am" the voice replied.
Then I went on bed and slept one last time with ash. It was the last time I will feel his warmth.

"I'm sure what I'm going to do now will definitely make you hate me. But this is all to help you. I hope you understand" I mummered and kissed his forehead. He was asleep and that's good that he didn't heard a single thing.

Then the morning came birds were chirping. Then after sometime I woke up to see ash side empty. So I go to living room to see him making good for us.

"Hey why are YOU making food. I thought you didn't know a single thing about cooking and wait..... You are making my favourite breakfast. Pancakes" I said or asked him in disbelief.
"Well you always made breakfast for us. So this time I made this for you." He replied with wide grain. Now whenever I'm seeing him smiling I'm feeling guilty that after sometime I'm gonna make that smile fade.
Then we had our breakfast. It was good we talked for a while and then prepared to leave. Pikachu jumped to ash shoulder as we were going to my mom house on ash's charizad. Then after sometime we took off.


After sometime of flying we finally landed in front of my serena mom's house. I knocked the door, after sometime door opened and I could see a woman in mid 40s she was none other than serena's mom Grace. At the very first sight she took us in a bone crushing hug.I think now I understand where serena learn those bone crushing hugs. After the hug we talked for sometime. Then the main topic came. Our marriage and to my suprise she agreed instantly this made be slightly suspect them. We were talking happily but then I heard a door knock and expression of both Serena and Grace changed.
"Let me open the door" I said and got up from my seat and made my way to door. To open it. When I opened the door my eyes were wide opened. I saw there calem with plenty of men with guns beside him. He is definitely for me so I looked back at Serena and Grace and said to them.
"Serena calem is here with army pls don't worry about me and----" as I was saying I saw Serena and Grace holding gun at me and pikachu. I was blank at that time.

"Ash I know what I'm doing you will not like it. But it's for your own safety. If you cooperates with us then we can help you . Ash I really-----" Serena was saying something to me but then I heard calem voice
"It must be shock to see........ the one you loved the most. Betrays you" calem said. I looked towards serena

"Serena what is-----" before I could complete my sentence I again heard calem voice.

"It's no use to ask her. She will not answer your question. Who do you think she is. Her mother Grace Yvonne the chief of international police and your dear WIFE a secret agent who is best in all fields. Why do you think she married you on the first place. She did all that just to get information about the massacre you did at team rocket base. We had an eye on you ASS KETCHUP but now we have got the information we needed so now you will be put behind the bars." Calem said and now everything made sense. Why Serena said to get us married. Why her mother instantly agreed and why she also find me even though I was soo cold to her in starting. Now it all made sense. But this sense made me laugh...

"Haha... Ha.." I laughed and everyone looked at me especially calem.

"Why the hell are you laughing so much in this type of situation" he asked me in rather angry tone.

"Sorry.... It just happen... I was thinking that me. The cold prince. The fallen angel. The prince of hell. Who also suspect her motherly sister didn't even think about love. Really loves make you blind." I said between my laugh then I looked towards serena.

"You really did great acting. MISS SERENA YVONNE. You really-----" as I was saying something she intrude

"Ash look, I really love----" she was saying something but now I don't give a damn about that.

"SHUT UP" I yelled at her in a cold voice but just when I yelled at her calem smacked his gun of my head.

"How dare you to talk to our officer like that" he said.

"Calem let's take him to head quarter. We will investigate more their" this time it was said by Grace. And then the men with guns started pushing me.

"Don't push me. I also know the way out and one more thing I need to contact to my lawyer" I said to them.

"Ok you can. Here." Grace said and gave me my phone. I called Lance and told him about the situation I'm in.
Then we all went to their *so called head quarter*. Then I went in the interrogation room. They charged me on killing rocket industry worker. They changed the case. They asked me serval questions but I didn't answer any of them. Soon Lance came and I could see him talking to grace and serena. Must be talking about change in case.

With Lance and others.

"What the hell it is. Ash didn't kill any of the worker. He killed team rocket grunts which are worker of evil organization. Mom what is happening" serena said to her mom

"I also don't know I gave this case to calem thinking he will do the right thing. But I didn't except he would change the case like this" Grace said to her daughter.

"I think you guys still didn't understand a thing" said a man coming from behind he was Lance.

"What do you mean Lance" serena said to Lance.

"I think you didn't focus on calem last name" Lance said.

"Calem last name is............. Wait it's Xavier" Grace said realising it.

"Wait that means mom that calem is......... Son of Giovanni." Serena said.

" You are correct" Lance said.

"What have I done. I have put ash in this problem. Really I'm the worst wife ever" serena said while crying.

"You don't need to worry about ash. I have made arrangements for him to get out of here. But will he accept you or not that I'm not sure of." Lance said.

Now with ash

I could see Lance in view. He gave some papers to officer and then they brings him here. Then he took me out of there. When we were about to leave I saw Serena running towards me. She stopped infront of me and said.

"Ash I'm really sorry. I did all of this because my mother told me. She told me that if they caught you then you will directly sentence to death. But if you surrender your self and help police. Then you would put in jail only for 2 or 3 years. Ash look I really really love you and I'm really really sorry ash." She said to me.

"Do you know serena before I met you. I was ok. Not good but also not in bad condition but after I met you. I thought I got a reason to live. A reason to enjoy my life rather than going just for revenge. After my mother death I didn't trust anybody but after you came I thought my thinking was wrong the world isn't that bad like I used to think...... but now you have corrected me. THE WORLD IS BAD AND TO LIVE HERE YOU MUST BECOME BAD LIKE IT. Serena really I didn't expect this from you. I loved you from the depth of my heart and what you have me........ BETRAYAL. Really serene a whore is better then you atleast they don't say that they really love you. They just sell there body but you..... You have sold your soul."
With this I walked away leaving a crying serena behind me.


Yo guys how is this chapter. I think now all of you must have understood why Serena married ash right away. Tell me you liked this story in comment section. And pls don't forget to vote for this chapter.
Till then,
Take care guys.

EN signing off.

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