Chapter :- 32

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Hey guys, I know it's been long since I have updated last chapter and I would like to apologise for that too..... It's happening because I have been busy these days but now I will try to upload 2-3 chapter in a week.... I'm still busy but I will somehow do it. Now let's get started. From this chapter onwards there will be more of Red POV rather than Ash's and the story will start right after ash and Delia sealed him.
Now let's start


Again I'm here in this dimension. They managed to again seal me away. Really ash IS my brother and mom's son. Only that type of devil mind could come up with the idea to seal me between space and time........Now I will not able to escape neither anybody will be able to help me. Now here I am in this empty void where the only thing I could do is talk to myself as now I'm all alone. Here I got nothing to do. I won't be able to summon any of my pokemons so now I'm all alone. I was talking to myself but then I felt someone's presence in that void. I turned left to see a portal opening and from that came my brother ash came.
He came out of that portal and starts floating in air. He saw me and begin to speaks.
"Um....... Red can I have a little talk with you" he said in a slightly nervous tone.
I ignored him showing no interest whatever he wants to talk.

"Look and mom also don't like to seal you here. Like this. But we just can't sit and watch you destroying whole world. So I want to have a talk with you I wanna know why you want to destroy this world. And what is........ There in that new world of yours that you are willing to destroy this world" ash said to me again making an eye contact. I again didn't gave him any attention. I don't wanna talk to him because all he will say is that please don't destroy this world.

Third person POV

When ash saw his brother not giving him any attention he got depressed but then he remembered one thing. The talk with his mom. Then ash again build up his courage and begin to speak.
"Red do you remember the promise you made to mom" ash said which gave a huge shock to Red. He made an eye to eye contact with ash and shock was written on his face. But then he again moved his face away. Seeing this ash felt heartbroken. But he heard a voice.

"I remember it like yesterday" red said without making an eye contact with ash.
This lit an fire inside ash.
"At that time I was age of your son. Maybe 6 or 7. But I still remember the promise I did To always protect you".


"I still remember it. It was about 20years ago...... I used to be alone in hall of origin as mom used to spend most of her time on earth with you and I was left alone...... But to lessen my loneliness she made a portal from which I could see everything around the world...... (Red chuckles a bit)... but I usually only see you... How happy you are.... On what adventures you go..... How was the first day when you got your pokemon.... And I also saw that straw hat girl with honey blonde hair..... I think she is you wife now..... Whom you.... Send somewhere to protect from me"  Red asked and ash nodded what he's saying.

"I saw it all.... And I was not jealous that mom spend most of her time with you...... But I was more of jealous with the freedom you've got.... You can go anywhere and you can do anything......and at that time... I was captured in hall of origin..... so
one day mom came to visit me.... And I asked her..... Why she have won't allow me to go in outside world.... Why can't I meet you..... And why I'm always struck here.....
20 years ago.
Location:- Hall of Origin

Young Red asked her mother the question which was nightmare to her mother.... That why was he kept away from the whole world.......

"Mom answer me...... please..... I also wanna go in that outside world.... I wanna meet my brother..... I wanna touch those pokemon..... I wanna go on journey with them.... Just why can't I leave this place.......please mom tell me.the truth...." Red asked her while on the brink of crying.... But her mother was stood there.... Silenced... Like she had seen a ghost.
Now seeing her mom silent as dead he got angry and started speaking things Delia can't even dream for.

"Mom.... You always spend most of your time with ash..... Am I not your son... Can't you------" as Red was speaking her mom slapped him....

When Red got slapped he couldn't think of anything else... Only one thing came in his mind to run away from there.....

Soon Delia understood what she did...  And she run after Red to catch him.... But Delia was faster than Red and she caught him in an blink of eye....

"Just let me go........ Don't show that you love me.....or you care for me..... Just let me be on my own......LET ME GOOO...." Red said in anger

"I'm sorry Red.... I shouldn't slap you.... Please forgive me....." Delia said to her son... And cried while hugging him...

"So tell me mom...... Tell me the reason... why I've been isolated here" Red again asked her

"Ok I will tell you ..........." Delia said.

Then Delia told her son about there history and everything (reference chapter 24,25,26 and 27)

Red cried hearing this story and then he hugged his mother and said.

"That's the reason Red.... I have kept you away from everyone....from your brother........ I'm sorry but.... I've got no choice.... If you and ash ever meet..... You both could create a new world or destroy this world...." Delia said while crying

"It's ok mom..... And I'm sorry too..... I shouldn't say those things to you.....I'm sorry" Red said while hugging her mom..

"And I will promise that......


that whatever happens from now on I will always love and protect you both......


Sorry for late update guys....🙏🙏😅

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