Chapter :- 10

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Last time :-
" I chose to battle ash Ketchum, the champion of alola"



"Well... I guess you got a battle with me afterall calem" I said to him which was instantly replies by a death glare from him.

"I will crush you ass ketchup" he said in a threatening tone.
Now this time I'm really mad why he always try to mock me or insult me. I'll ask him after the battle maybe....
"He don't what he's against right buddy" i said with a sigh and same reaction followed by pikachu.

Third person POV
(In this referee lines would be in bold)

Now everyone was in stadium. It was full packed with not a single seat left.
Both of the trainer made their way from tunnel. From red corner calem came
And now from the green corner we have Champion Ash Ketchum. As both of them came outside of tunnel crowd started to cheer for them. But was looking for a certain person with cerulean eyes and blonde hair. Finally he found her and their eyes made a connection. In stadium serena was seated with her friends in second row to watch match closely as she cheer for her love of life. Seeing this ash just smiled and waved at her which made her blush a little. But a person was not happy with seeing this and that was none other than calem.
"I will crush you Ketchup and then I will deal with that slut" calem said in his mouth.

This official battle between trainer calem from red corner and champion ash from green corner. This will be 6 vs 6 battle and if all the Pokemon of either side isn't able to battle. The opposite side will automatically win. Both trainers ready. ( Referee asked to both the trainer in response they nodded)
Then let the battle begin....

"Chestnut battle for me" calem said.
"You are up buddy" ash said to his faithful partner.
" What to do think ash, that unevolved pathetic Pokemon will be able to win against my chestnut. Who The hell made you champion" calem said in mocking tone but this time Pikachu was really angry but to cool his anger his trainer said something.
"You think that my pikachu won't be able to win against you... Ok then Pikachu no holding back" ash said and Pikachu smirked.

"You may have the first move calem" ash said.

"Chestnut use leech seed" calem ordered chestnut.

Ash didn't command pikachu till calem attack was inches away from Pikachu's face. But then ash ordered him.
"Dodge it with quick attack followed by iron tail" and then pikachu just vanished in thin air and appear behind chestnut and then he used iron tail which slam him down.

"Chestnut use hammer arm" calem order in frustration not being able to attack Pikachu.

"Use quick attack to dodge it" ash ordered Pikachu as Pikachu did the same. Chestnut tried to attack Pikachu but because of Pikachu's speed he isn't able to make a contact with him. Seeing this calem frustration grew more.

"Chestnut use vine whip" calem order in frustration. But the result was same. So calem came with a devious idea.

" Chestnut use vine whip on the stands on that girl" calem said with a devious smile while pointing towards serena. Everyone closed their eyes shut and prepared themselves for attack as everyone has no time to react. But the attack never reached them. It was stopped by a yellow furr like Pokemon which was pikachu. Pikachu came in time to stop the attack but this made him faint as he used his own small body to protect his trainer love. Ash then walked toward Pikachu and picked him up and said "thanks buddy. Thanks for saving my love by putting your life on danger" ash said to his faithful partner. Pikachu just smiled in return.

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