Chapter :- 12

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Pikachu POV
(Right now Pikachu woke up. And talking to himself)

I remember when ash picked me up said..
"Thnx buddy... You put your life in life to save serena's and everyone's live. You are great" but after that I don't remember a thing.... Wait I'm in ash bag now. That means that son of a bitch have gotten his ass kicked by ash. Well let's relax a bit in his bag as now I've got nothing to---- wait what's that sound... ( Pikachu thoughts were intrupted by the sounds of church bell). I need to check where I am because I'm pretty sure that in this life ash will never go in church. So I came out of the bag to check the surrounding and what I saw infornt of my eye made my jaws drop really hard...

Now I pronounce you as husband and wife. ( The priest said)

But what cought me off guard was that ASH the most densest person in earth is married to serena. I know they in relationship but they getting married. I think I'm under some kind of genjutsu. But who could have done it... Madara, itachi.....
No idiot those are characters of Naruto they aren't real. But then... Is what I'm seeing real.........

At this point ash and serena was hugging eachother. But then sudden serena's eye fall on a super duper confused Pikachu.

Serena POV

"Um.... Ash Pikachu is awake and he doesn't seem to like what's in front of his eyes" I said in worry. I know that pikachu know I love ash but we will marry directly is something really unexpected.
"Hey, that's great. Pikachu now you are awake come here let's take a family photo" he said to Pikachu who came towards us but still confuse. So I gather my courage and talked to him.
"Um.... Pikachu I know you must want some answers" I said to him. First he lookad me and then looked towards his trainer who was smiling. Then Pikachu also smiled and answer moving his head sideway telling me I don't need to know and jumped on my shoulder and start nuzzling. I giggled at his response. He saw his trainer happiness so he is also happy with me being his trainer wife.
"C'mon guys let's take a family photograph" ash while bringing me close to to him and Pikachu jumping from my shoulder to my arms. And then our first photo after being married clicked. But in all these things we forgot to take a record of time. I looked at my phone and it was 10:36pm
"Ash c'mon we need to go back it's already half past ten" I said
"WHAT..... We should go back now... Otherwise everyone would be worried about us" ash said and took out his Pokeball of charizad. And then they took of to the dorms.

Meanwhile with the gang

"Where the hell did those two love birds went." Misty said in frustration because the whole gang was waiting for ash and serena since they just left after the match.
" And now it's half past 10. Where did they go" this time it was said by may
"I just wish they both are safe" this was said by dawn.
As they were talking they saw large orange colour dragon like Pokemon landed in garden. It was easy to Understand whose pokemon it was because a boy with raven hair blue half sleeve jacket and a girl with honey blonde hair with a pink hat could be seen sitting on that charizad back. So they all go to that place.


As we landed I could see a bunch of people coming to our way soon their face become visible and they were none other then mine and serena's friends

"Hey where have you been ashy-boy. Don't you dare do that again. We all were worried sick for you" Gary said in angry but worried manner. And after sometime everyone started to ask questions.
Like where we were. What were we doing. And whatever we were doing what took it so long.....
So I whispered in serena ear
"Should we tell them" I asked her and she nodded as we both don't know how to tackle this situation.
"Umm... Guys we need to tell to something" I said catching group attention
"And what it is ash" may said
"Um..... Guys we are married...."

Yo guys here's your author, I know for a couple of days I wasn't able to do daily uploads because of some family matter. But now I'm back on track. So bare with me and wait for more exciting chapter.....
Till then take care,

EN signing off

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