Chapter :- 26

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Last time
Name of those babies were........

(Ash POV)

With that last part. The vision ended and we left that era and now we were again in hall of my house. All of that flashback left me fully confused. I have so many questions like That where is my brother and why I haven't met him and many things.
"Ash I know, now your mind would be blasting with questions. That where is your brother and why didn't you ever met him. Right?" She said to me seeing my expression. Really she is my mom...... I don't need to tell her what I need. she just need a look at my face and she would understand everything. That's the power of mother.

" Ash the answer of your question is that
When I resurrected you with my blood. You both got my powers....
Ash you got my positive powers where as red your brother he inherited my negative or dark energy. That's why I raised him separately in hall of origin." She said and everyone in the room eyes widened.

"Wait........ What do you mean by....... Positive and negative energy" I asked her.

"Ash. To explain this I need to explain you my origin. In older times when there was nothing but vast space. There was two god they were kinda a brothers they created this world. Both the Gods were there to balance eachother powers.
One was the god of light and one was the god of dark. They both created this world. God of light was a symbol of peace, harmony and love whereas God of dark was a symbol of Power. He was merciless and totally opposite of the God of light. They both created this world of ours. They made pokemons and their place to live. But the Pokemons they created were only fifteen in types." she said making me confuse that there is 18 types of pokemons then why is she telling me that they created only 15 types of pokemons. She read my expression and understood what I'm going through so she said.
"You all must be confused right. That there are 18 types of pokemons so why I'm telling you only 15 . Let me name those types.
"Now you must be wondering why there is no dark, ghost and poison type pokemons. That you will understand when the story will goon. Now let's continue the story." She said making everything thing clear. Then she continued

"They created the world and divide there territory. The pokemons of East would worship God of Light. Whereas The pokemons of West would worship God of dark. But the God of dark was a greedy person. He wanted that he should be the only one God here. So he attacked the territory of God of light with his army of pokemons which resulted in war between them. The war goes on for many years. In this duration of time both the God got married and got kids. The god of light have a daughter where as the god of dark have a son. Soon they both the children of God fall in love with eachother and enlope because they knew there parents would never allow it. When the God heard that his/her daughter enlope with his enemy's son/daughter. they got very angry and tried to find them. But there was no clue for any of them. This resulted in more conflicts between them. They both put blame on eachother that because of them there child went away. But this also made them close. They again started to work together to find their child. After a few years both The son of dark lord and The daughter of Light lord came back with a baby girl in the hands of the daughter of light. When they saw both of them with a baby. They both got angry and tried to apart them but the couple had something else in mind. They said to both the Gods.
We did this because to end this war. This war will give nothing but suffering to both the sides. We can again work together like you both did to find us. And we can be an family. And this is the proof. ( He takes baby from the daughter of light and show everyone). This is our daughter. Your granddaughter. She is the proof that we all are united. And she is the first to do that that why her name is Acreus the alpha..
Both gods understood why there children wants to say and they both smiled at eachother and shakes hand. And to make this friendship a symbol of Unity. They both used their powers to make 3 new types of Pokemon.

And then they all entrusted this to me the acrues as I have both the power of light or positive energy as well as the power of dark or negative energy but as soon they did that they all left when I grew more mature entrusting this world to me. I was alone so I created humans or you all and with that the continuation of life keep on moving" she said explaining every single bit in details that how the world was created. But now one thing rang a bell in my mind.

"I understood the origin of this power you were talking about and your origin but how is this related to keeping my brother away. In an distinct place" I asked her. Which cause her expression to change to one of a serious type expression.

"I did that because I feared that red will go on the same way of your great grandfather the god of dark goes and do the same mistake.
Because you both are the reincarnation of the both Gods.
You ash presents light and hope.
Where as red presents darkness and despair.......


Yo guys, how was this chapter. I know I'm not able to do daily uploads but as I said my exams are coming so......... I think you could understand how much pressure I'm in right now. Well I'm not here to tell my heart braking story of exams. I'm here to give you an awesome chapter. If you like it then pls don't forget to vote and pls tell me how is the story going in. Well now it's my time to leave.
Take care,

EN signing off

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