Chapter :- 15

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Yo guys, we are here again. On this amazing, awesome, romantic and action book of mine😋😋. Let's continue from where we left. On their first day of university. If you are thinking about there schedule. they all have same classes expect their special class which is based on student interest like  battling, Performing and coordinating.
They have first class of Pokemon history, 2. Mathematics, 3. Pokemon science then recess, 4th and the last class is the special class ( battling, coordinating or performing)
Now let's get started


It is our first day of studing in KIP but The moment I put my foot on the university campus. They whole crowd rushed towards me. Boys asking me to  become their master and let them be my disciple as they saw my match with calem. But the fangirls just thew all the boys in a corner and came in front of me saying "THINGS"  like "let me be your girlfriend" and other but things got off hand when serena saw all of this ruckus and if you are wondering where my all friends are and what are they doing then let me tell you they are enjoying the show infront of them. But the thing sent chills down my spine was serena death glare telling me"IF YOU NOT STOP THIS RIGHT NOW. I WILL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU".
Yea now all of you must be thinking the strongest trainer of all time. The aura guardian. The person who took all the evil organization by himself is afraid of a girl. Then let me tell you something. Every man in this world are afraid of their wife. So to SAVE myself from my wife's death glare I tried to call the girls to calm down and listen to me. So I tried to call them. First try no result. Second no result. Third try uh... You know no result. If you are thinking why I'm not you teleportation with my aura. It's because I don't want the whole world to know who I am. So I looked at my trusted partner on my shoulder and said.
" You know what to do" I said to him and a smirk grew on his face then soon you could see sparks flying through his red cheeks. Then a thunder bolt came shocking every fan girl and making them calm down. Then after that I walked over to serena who was.......... Pretty anger. So to catch everyone attention I speak up.
"Um.... Girls you might like me and all that but I'm already taken by this beautiful girl besides me. My love of the life my wife Serena" I said bringing serena close to me and giving her a kiss.
I could hear some voices from the crowd saying "this is not possible" "why every good looking man have to be already taken" "can't he just chose me instead of that blonde girl" they left while saying these things along the line.  Then our kiss broke and I could see she is blushing. Maybe because I kissed her in front of everyone. So I looked at her and asked her.
" You still angry" I asked her. She left a sigh and said
" it's ok. Afterall you are a champion every girl would fan over you but I'm happy that you choose me instead of any of them" she said with a smile. God she is sooooooooooo cute when she smiles.  But the most important thing is that she understood the whole situation and didn't get angry.
" I'm so lucky my wife is so understanding" I said while chuckling. She also giggled a bit.
" Now if you continue your lovey-dovey conversation then we are going to be late for our very first class and I'm gonna fine you for that."  Said Barry.
"Do you know Barry that no know here gives a damn about your fine" I said and everyone laughed. Then we moved towards our first class. It was of Pokemon history. THIS IS GOING TO BE BORING I said to myself.
Then we entered the class room it was empty with a man standing in brown coat with white hair and white moustache. He was none other then professor Rowan.
"It's great to see you again CHAMPION"  prof. Said looking to me and emphasizing the word "champion". I looked at him and said
" Prof. Please call me ash. Here I'm just an ordinary student" I said to him
" Ash you can be anything but ordinary" he said while chuckling. And the whole group was seeing me with awe expect Gary, Paul and Barry as they know about my adventures and serena also as she know about my history.
"C'mon guys I'm a champion I've traveled many region so I know most of the professor"  I said to them and they all nodded.
"They all must be your friend right?" He asked me.
So I introduce all of them to him except one special person.
"And professor she is the most important person in my life. Serena my wife" prof jaw dropped. And he said
"I don't believe it. The most dense person got married" he said in a suprise tone and everyone laughed a bit.
"Why everyone thinks I'm dense I know about love. It's just that I didn't show it to anyone because I was waiting for a specific person to enter my life" I said while looking to serena and she just blushed hearing i was waiting for her all those years. But to disturb our moment Gary said something.
"Ash that's a nice way to hide your denseness" and everyone again laughed.
"Ok enough of our talk. The class is about to start you may all may have your seat." Prof.said.

We got on our seat then after within a minute the whole class got packed with students. Then the class start. It was boring. It was about how Arceus formed our world. I knew all about it so I think it's ok to sleep so I adjust myself in comfortable position and let my eyes shut. If you all thinking about Pikachu he is also asleep on Serena lap. My wife sigh and I could hear words which she murmured
"Like trainer like Pokemon" I chuckled in my mind.
I was sleeping peacefully but to disturb it someone complained about me sleeping in class and that was TIERNO.

"Prof.  Ash is asleep in the class" he said . I guess he is also jealous that I married Serena. Now it's time to give HIM some lesson too.


Yo guys how's this chapter. Let me know In the comment section. Guys pls forgive me because I don't know much about university as Im in high school right now. So I don't know which subject they teach or how many periods are their I just put what I think is right. And one more thing I won't be able to do regular update because my yearly exams are about to start. So I need to study hard. So wish me luck for both the book and my exams . Till then take care

EN, signing off

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